September 8, 2020 Cast On
Size S:
Used my new fav Tubular Cast On:
1x1 Tubular Cast On (Flat Knitting; Odd Number of Stitches)
Using 3.5mm needles and waste yarn, loosely cast on 53 stitches (for final stitch count of 105).
Foundation Row (WS): With working yarn, purl all stitches in row. This row is worked directly into your waste yarn stitches.
Row 1 (Increase Row; RS): Knit 1, insert your L needle tip from front to back under the running thread between the stitch you just worked and the next stitch on L needle, then purl this stitch (increasing one); repeat from to last stitch, knit 1.
Row 2 (Tubular Row; WS): With yarn in front, slip 1 purlwise (this is a purl stitch), bring yarn to back, knit 1; repeat from to last stitch, slip 1 purlwise with yarn in front.
Row 3 (Tubular Row; RS): Knit 1, bring yarn to front, slip 1 purlwise (this is a purl stitch), bring yarn to back; repeat from to last stitch, knit 1.
Row 4 (WS): Repeat Row 2.
Then rib 40 rows (for 4”).
Inc row, then st st for 61 rows before starting armhole.
After armhole shaping, 36 rows (7.75”).
I knit both sleeves at the same time so I didn’t have to worry about counting 
Stranded Faffing
I used lengths from all the new colours of Metalico to customise the top of one sleeve and part of the rib-neck line, because why not?
Sewing the sleeves to the shoulder, I took up all the slack at the top of the shoulder to produce the “gathered” puff top effect.
I usually wear an XS but cast on S this time which was a mistake… No problem though - will make another! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVED making this!!
Wet blocked with a little pinning, but just so it lay flat, not to stretch.
THRILLED with the final garment. It’s so luxurious! It’s so fine that it creases like a linen shirt!
Definitely making another and CANNOT WAIT!