Painting Bricks Shawl in Glitter Gradient Ombré
no date set
April 29, 2020

Painting Bricks Shawl in Glitter Gradient Ombré

Project info
Painting Bricks Shawl by Stephen West
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Tribe Yarns Shop Sample
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
2,023 yards
Bilum Hand Dyed Yarns snek
1 skein = 798.3 yards (730.0 meters), 200 grams
Tribe Yarns in Anstruther, Fife
Kremke Soul Wool Stellaris
1 skein = 612.4 yards (560.0 meters), 25 grams
Tribe Yarns in Anstruther, Fife
Kremke Soul Wool Stellaris
1 skein = 612.4 yards (560.0 meters), 25 grams
Tribe Yarns in Anstruther, Fife

I love the light grey to black gradient in this gorgeously soft gradient yarn cake by Bilum. Works so well for this pattern.

Choose to make the bricks with 2 threads of Stellaris held together to create a semi-sheer fabric between the gradient grout. Pics don’t do it justice - it’s really very glittery and feminine.

I didn’t bother with all the stitch markers in the border section, but that did mean the odd counting error here and there. Not a biggie.

Great result!

viewed 1654 times | helped 10 people
no date set
April 29, 2020
About this pattern
1554 projects, in 1502 queues
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About this yarn
by Bilum Hand Dyed Yarns
100% Merino
798 yards / 200 grams

125 projects

stashed 174 times

JetSetMill's star rating
About this yarn
by Kremke Soul Wool
47% Rayon, 41% Polyester, 12% Metallic
612 yards / 25 grams

1145 projects

stashed 944 times

JetSetMill's star rating
  • Project created: May 2, 2020
  • Updated: May 2, 2020