Sky at Dawn
July 27, 2014
January 2, 2015

Sky at Dawn

Project info
Brandywine Shawl by Rosemary (Romi) Hill
Neck / TorsoScarf
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
20 repeats of Chart B
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Rohrspatz & Wollmeise Pure 100% Merino Superwash
4040 yards in stash
0.9 skeins = 517.5 yards (473.2 meters), 135 grams
Rohrspatz & Wollmeise GmbH in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Bayern

I hand-dyed this skein planning to use it for colourwork but I was itching to cast on a shawl in this yarn. The pattern is a gift from SusanFromAthens during a Sundara swap. :)

12 Aug 2011: I am loving it so far. The yarn feels a bit rough but I know a good soak will sort that out. I am using the written instruction.

13 Aug 2011: Chart A finished. Started chart B using the chart. I also marked off the center garter stitch panel, at least I hope I have the markers in the right places!

27 Jul: Restarting this from cast on as I cannot read my stitches. Planning to add as many repeats of Chart B as my skein of yarn would allow.

29 Jul: 9 repeats of Chart B
2 Aug: 11 repeats of Chart B
19 Dec: 12 repeats of Chart B

2 Jan 2015: Phew! Done and dusted finally!

It was fun while it lasted but I am glad to finish this shawl. Seems like ages ago when I first had the desire to knit this complicated-looking shawl. Thanks to SusanfromAthens for the gift of the pattern :)

I struggled with the i-cord bind off and even thought of doing just a regular stretchy version but it looked untidy and out of place. So I persevered until I got the hang of it. Romi would be pleased to know it, I’m sure!

Blocking and photos will have to wait until we get back to Dubai.

1 in 2015

viewed 146 times
July 27, 2014
January 2, 2015
About this pattern
1539 projects, in 2415 queues
Jhocy's overall rating
Jhocy's clarity rating
Jhocy's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Rohrspatz & Wollmeise
100% Merino
574 yards / 150 grams

82553 projects

stashed 150319 times

Jhocy's star rating
Jhocy's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Soft
  • Originally queued: July 30, 2010
  • Project created: August 11, 2011
  • Finished: January 2, 2015
  • Updated: April 20, 2015
  • Progress updates: 5 updates