Hella-Yella Leggings
March 31, 2020
April 4, 2020

Hella-Yella Leggings

Project info
Marled Mania Leggings by Stephen West
Machine Knitting
Me, to lounge around in!
Tools and equipment
17 stitches and 20 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette
2,417 yards
Hedgehog Fibres Sock
263 yards in stash
2.4 skeins = 1049.9 yards (960.0 meters), 240 grams
The Gilliangladrag Fluff-a-torium in The Cart Shed, Stoney Croft Farm, Surrey
Truly hooked sparkle 4ply
Fingering (14 wpi)
1 skein = 437.4 yards (400.0 meters), 100 grams
Lemon zest
Unbelieva-wool Merino/Nylon Sock 75/25
1 skein = 464.8 yards (425.0 meters), 100 grams
fivemoons Luna plus 4ply OOAKs
349 yards in stash
1 skein = 465.0 yards (425.2 meters), 100 grams

These are my Hella-Yella leggings! Inspired by westknits Marled Mania Leggings, I wanted to do a version where I didn’t have to do all that knitting! My RSI wrist causes me some trouble if I knit too much.

Using a sewing pattern to guide me, I plotted my measurements, factored in some ease and worked out a way to make this on my LK150 knitting machine.

Talking of ease, I may have added too much around the waist and hips, but I think that I have the basic idea nailed down.

More to come…


Well, one thing I’ve learned is that row gauge can lie like F! Especially when it comes to large lengths of knitted fabric. Admittedly, I should have accounted for gravity and Merino’s propensity to stretch somewhat, but hey ho!

The length that was in question was for the hip gusset. It grew so much that it sagged around the crotch area - ok if you want to carry your wallet, keys, phone etc in there… but not me!

I wasn’t prepared to live with saggy pants, so I cut off about a third of the length in the gusset, transferred the live sts to needles and knit a few rows upwards, followed by the ribbing.

Generally, I wanted a loose pair of lounge pants rather than actual leggings. When I initially took my body measurements, I added an extra 3cm to 6cm of ease here and there. When I chopped and re-knitted the gusset, I removed some of that ease, as I decided that I didn’t need as much as 6cm around the hips. I did that by hand knitting a series of decreases evenly across a few rows.

I machine knit the leggings, sewed the leg seams together, sewed the left and right gusset seams together then hand knit all the ribbings in the round.
LK150 TD: 6.0, 4ply yarns held double.
2x2 ribbing: 3mm needles, yarn held double.

What fun!! They are SO comfy, they’re great to lounge around in, do yoga in, or even backyard tennis! I want to make another pair! smileyheartyarn

viewed 327 times | helped 4 people
March 31, 2020
April 4, 2020
About this pattern
426 projects, in 645 queues
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About this yarn
by fivemoons
75% Merino, 25% Nylon
465 yards / 100 grams

356 projects

stashed 244 times

JimiKnits' star rating
About this yarn
by Hedgehog Fibres
90% Merino, 10% Nylon
437 yards / 100 grams

48288 projects

stashed 64269 times

JimiKnits' star rating
About this yarn
by Unbelieva-wool
Light Fingering
75% Merino, 25% Nylon
465 yards / 100 grams

349 projects

stashed 443 times

JimiKnits' star rating
  • Project created: April 1, 2020
  • Finished: April 5, 2020
  • Updated: April 22, 2020
  • Progress updates: 2 updates