Yarn: Knit Picks Brava Sport
( 100% acrylic) sport weight
Needle size 4 ( 3.4 mm)
Guage:,Approx 7 stitches =1”
Approx 10 rows = 1”
Provisional cast on 114 stitches. (Or multiples of 6)
Apply a life line in second knitted row (this will be useful later to easily pick up stitches for the crown.)
Join in the round, careful not to twist.
Work stockinette stitch for 2” (about 20 rows ) then knit a purl turning row.
Work stockinette stitch another 2” for total of 4“
Remove the provisional cast on waste yarn to expose the live stitches. Pick up all live stitches on a separate needle (keep the life line that was placed in the second row. )
Using a very loose tension, knit the beginning row stitches together with the ending row stitches while at same time working a 3 stitch applied I-Cord bind off
OR ….. knit the top and bottom rows together and then using a very loose tension, do an I-Cord in the round bind off
Graft the end of the I-Cord to the beginning of thd I-Cord as shown in Roxanne’s video.
For the Crown:
Pick up all stitches in the lifeline on the private side of the brim and work 1 row of stockinette stitch in the round. ( make sure the I-Cord edge is on the public side of the work.
Thereafter, work the crown alternating rows between a slip stitch row where you slip every 6th stitch and a plain stockinette row.
Work approximately 40 rows (7.5” - 8” total height) and then begin crown decrease shaping)
There are a total of nineteen 6 stitch segments; if you knit 2 together at beginning of every 6 stitch segment ( on the slip stitch row) you reduce the count by 19 stitches every other row.
Knit alternate rows
Crown decrease stitch counts:
Start 114
Row 1 = 95
Row 3 = 76
Row 5 = 57
Row 7 = 38
Row 9 = 19
Row 11 k 2 tog until about 7-9 stitches remain.
Decrease incorporates 11-12 rows total which is about 1 “ in height
Hat dimensions:
Brim 2”
I cord edge 0.25”
Crown to brim 6.5 “
Brim diameter 22” (easily stretches to 24”)
Total height 8.75 “
Weight 73g