C has decided she would like another blanket for her sophomore dorm room. The Winter Tempest Blanket I made her last year is too close to the color of her new solid gray comforter, so she’d prefer purple to pick up the other colors she’s decorating with. I showed her the Aubergine yarn I had in my stash and she approved. She also liked the cabled pattern by Bonnie Barker that I had been considering for it.
I’m excited to start this! I had its cousin on my list to make this year, though I hadn’t totally decided between the Holiday Cables and the Aran Hearts patterns. C really liked the edging on the Holiday Cables and I do too, so I’m glad she went with that. (I hadn’t had a recipient in mind for the blanket, so I thought it might go to the next niece or nephew to get married, which is why I had been leaning toward the one with hearts. But I actually prefer the Holiday Cables design.)
August 19, 2019
First section of cables & arrows done. I started on the Woven Stitch panel this morning.
August 21, 2019
The Woven Stitch panel and the following Low Front Ridge / Cable / Low Front Ridge panel are done. Next it’s on to the Celtic Weave!
I am still loving everything about this yarn. The color is gorgeous and it is just about the best Aran acrylic I have ever worked with. I am going to try to get a few more coordinating colors and make a matching pillow to go with the blanket.
August 22, 2019
I’ve got 6 (out of 23) rows of the Celtic Weave done now, no thanks to my “helpful” kitty Luna! (See picture.)
August 25, 2019
I finished the Celtic Weave section this morning. It took a few days because I made a few mistakes and had to rip out and re-do several rows. Now to repeat rows 2-47 (two more cable / arrow sections with Woven Stitch in between), then the lace border on each end. Trying to get this done for the 29th when C goes back to UMass.
August 28, 2019
Just finished at 1:00pm the day before she heads back to college! I love how this came out. It doesn’t even need blocking.