Harry Potter and the School Garb of Doom
June 13, 2020
June 20, 2020

Harry Potter and the School Garb of Doom

Project info
Harry Potter by Lucy Collin
Hooks & yarn

From the Harry Potter Crochet Kit, using the yarn and even the wand-shaped crochet hook that came with the kit. It’s pretty fiddly, especially with the cheap hook and the splitty yarn. I improvised the robe, knitting it from the bottom back, increasing for the sleeves, and knitting down the two fronts while shaping the neck, using size 8 needles.

viewed 16 times
June 13, 2020
June 20, 2020
About this pattern
114 projects, in 25 queues
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  • Project created: June 21, 2020
  • Updated: June 21, 2020