Naturally Dyed Rainbow Blanket
January 18, 2017
January 25, 2018

Naturally Dyed Rainbow Blanket

Project info
4-shaft Double Weave
Tools and equipment
12 epi

This blanket is the culmination of my year-long natural dye project. I started with a 10-lb box full of cable-plied carpet wool remnants (much softer than it sounds) in neutral colors. I divided the cones into 87 2-oz skeins, and over the course of the growing season dyed them all with plants I grew or foraged locally around me in Northern Indiana.

Plants used for the colors in the blanket include:
Dyer’s Coreopsis (reds, oranges, and golds)
Wild/lanceleaf Coreopsis (orange and gold)
Yellow Cosmos (orange and gold)
Bur marigold (orange)
French Marigold (yellows)
Queen Anne’s Lace (yellow and olive green)
Common Reed (spring green and gold)
Goldenrod (light green and yellow)
Hollyhock (mint green)
Giant hibiscus (spring to olive greens)
Japanese Indigo (blues, and greens and teals when dyed over yellows)
Elderberry (lavender)
Pokeberry (purples)
English Ivy (tan)
Pear leaves and bark (tan and light gray)
Staghorn Sumac (charcoal gray)
Oak Galls (dark and medium charcoal)
Black Walnut (chocolate browns)

In case you’re interested, I’ve been posting updates of this whole project on Instagram using #naturaldyeproject. I also have some more pictures of the yarns I used in this project on my stash page, Natural Dye Samples and Tests

viewed 851 times | helped 8 people
January 18, 2017
January 25, 2018
  • Project created: November 15, 2017
  • Updated: January 25, 2018
  • Progress updates: 3 updates