Karen Lynn's Downton Abbey Mystery KAL with Jimmy Beans Wool
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Karen Lynn's Downton Abbey Mystery KAL with Jimmy Beans Wool

Project info
Lady Violet's Dinner Gauntlets by Kristen Ashbaugh-Helmreich
HandsFingerless Gloves/Mitts
Needles & yarn
US 0 - 2.0 mm
Lorna's Laces Sportmate
1 skein = 270.0 yards (246.9 meters), 100 grams
Jimmy Beans Wool in Reno, Nevada

1-13-13: finished clue two. Please note I am left handed, therefore I knit left to right, so when I follow the directions a right handed glove directions give me a left hand glove.

I wish the thumb gusset was a little more off to the side. I am not going to rip back and move it…too lazy.

viewed 74 times
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About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Lorna's Laces
70% Merino, 30% Other
270 yards / 100 grams

2291 projects

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  • Project created: December 14, 2012
  • Updated: January 13, 2013