Emotional Comfort Chicken
November 27, 2024
December 22, 2024

Emotional Comfort Chicken

Project info
Emotional Support Chicken by Annette Corsino
Needles & yarn
US 0 - 2.0 mm
16 stitches = 4 inches
in garter stitch
Quince & Co. Chickadee
4 skeins = 724.0 yards (662.0 meters), 200 grams
Apricot Yarn & Supply in San Diego, California

I am taking a long road trip for a month. I want to make 3 chickens.

One is mainly green

The other is blue, red, cream, yellow

I plan to double up the yarn and use a 2.0mm needle

This will be part of my of my camping journey to Ark, where my son lives.

Started the first green chicken. Doubled my yarn. I want to make a second one and I do not think I will have enough yarn. So the next chicken will be single yarn. I seem to be way ahead with my knitting so I may make 3 chickens.

Addicted to knitting this chicken. Love the solid colors. My other chickens I had multi color. I have a long way back home. I think I will knit more of these chickens. I ams still in Arkanas and live in CA.

Started other chicken and did tail in yellow. I am doing kitchener stitch to join the tails

One thing I can say is if you never made this chicken the paid pattern is terrible. It is best to go to the u-tube and you will be successful with this pattern. Here is the u-tube link:

link text

Also I can not understand why she uses markers.

12/15/24 WOW I am still on my road trip and have enough yarn to make a 4th chicken. This one will be patriotic since I have red, white and blue yarn.

12/20 I am home Lord will these chicks will be done

viewed 74 times
November 27, 2024
December 22, 2024
About this pattern
9714 projects, in 4853 queues
KarenandDolly's overall rating
KarenandDolly's clarity rating
KarenandDolly's difficulty rating
KarenandDolly's adjectives for this pattern
  1. Fun
  2. Colorful
  3. Comforting
About this yarn
by Quince & Co.
100% Wool
181 yards / 50 grams

15595 projects

stashed 12336 times

KarenandDolly's star rating
KarenandDolly's adjectives for this yarn
  1. squishy
  2. wonderful
  3. sweet
  • Project created: October 30, 2024
  • Updated: December 22, 2024
  • Progress updates: 2 updates