Light grey: 114g - 1 skein
Blue Heather:455g (will add one more skein if I run out) 4 skeins
Begin with ball 1 of MC. Weight:106g
Pattern suggests holding a sport with a fingering weight. My yarn is a fairly heavy DK, almost a light worsted. I will hold it single as that is how I obtained gauge.
Added ball 2 of MC. Weight 88g (so much for consistency).
I had to pick back the raglan due to a pattern update.
I’m trying to decide at what point to begin the pocket inserts.
Started on MC ball 3: 121g
Made it to 16 rows of the pocket. Halfway before I get to the end of the body.
Using a different yarn for the pocket lining. A fingering instead of a dk. 3.25 mm needle.
Finished my steeks today. So fiddly! But the second one went better than the first. I used a dark blue fingering weight for the lining. I think I might use the dark blue for a 2nd contrast colour on the collar and cuff.
I’m not confident that I will have enough yarn in my original choice.
Using dark blue heavy weight wool, same spec as the MC for the pocket lining.
CC2 - 118g
Knit two rows in MC before switching to CC2 so that it wouldn’t be visible through the fold.
Working on sleeve 1. Did 3 rows between the last decrease and the tuck stitch. I like a shorter sleeve.
Just ran out of ball 4 of MC. I forgot to note when I started it. Last ball is 140 g.
I have made it to the last decrease round on the second sleeve.
Attached ball 5 of MC 108g
Reminder to total yarns used.
MC: 49g
CC1: 48g
Cc2: 17g
Amount of yarn used for pocket facing… Negligible