Completed increase pattern section 1. Gorgeous GORGEOUS yarn.
Picture shows just the wee first baby beginnings, but I’m thrilled with the combination of this lovely pattern and Wendi’s beautiful yarn.
9/2 Just updating because I’m still enjoying this pattern so much having now completed the other one I was making and feeling free to work on this one whenever I want. I’m now at 46 loops on the hook which means I am nearing the halfway point of the Second Increase Section (needing 98 loops on the hook). And it has been smooth sailing. The yarn is a dream! I should probably pull out another skein and start winding it soon.
9/10 60 loops on hook in second increase section.
12/12 haven’t worked on this for a while! aside from a row here or there squeezed in between other projects! but now I’m on a kick to get it finished by year end if possible. Can’t recommend the pattern enough. Look forward to making a lace version in the future.
1/5/14 Happily and surprisingly reached the halfway point this evening. Even though I’ve made this pattern once before, I forgot that the center panel is only two rows long. I finished the second increase section and only have the center panel to do now before the decrease sections begin. SO EXCITING! I finished the first skein and had to wind the others yesterday. I had no idea how close I was to turning around again. I’m almost considering making the center panel a little wider… Have some time at this point to just sit and think a bit.
3/14/14 Decreased to 85 stitches. Just started really putting in a concerted effort again to get it done for NATCROMO. Don’t know that I will make it by month’s end, but it sure would be nice! At one stitch decrease per two rows, it is a slow go.
3/21/14 Finished! Just have to soak and block and can put this to bed. Love it, again. Even more than the first one because it is in the lovely yarn I had dyed by Wendi for this project specifically. Really thrilled. Great pattern, wears well as a winter wrap around the neck/face when I need something warm. I’m sure it is beautiful as a lace-weight wrap, too. MAYBE I’ll have to do one of those some day. But two in a year is plenty for me for now. There are so many other patterns to explore!
3/23 On the blocking mats! Took a while to block this one. Don’t remember blocking the first rendition. Will have to go look at my notes and see what I did. I learned a lot with this one. Like mixing multi skeins of hand dyed yarns so they blend. You can definitely see where each skein ends and the new begins. Not a problem with this project as it stays in my collection for me to wear, but I would want to mix them up for gifting.
Final post-blocking size - 21 inches down spine. 70 inches across top.