Brick hat:
With MC, CO 120 sts on 3.25 mm circular needles, place marker
P1K1 rib for 6”
Switch to 3.5 mm needles and increase to 132 sts
row 1 K 1 in MC
Row 2 Begin CC, Sl 1, k3, repeat
Row 3, in CC, s1, k3, repeat
Row 4 and 5, knit in MC
Row 6, in CC, k2, s1, k1
Row 7, in CC k2, sl1, k2
Rows 8 and 9, in MC, k
Repeat rows 2-9 until hat measures 6” in total.
Begin decreases on a row 5 or 9.
With MC, k7, k2tog, repeat
Next row, with CC, alternate knitting 2 or 3 brick sections to keep the bricks alternating.
Continue decreasing on every 2nd MC row (before the next strip of bricks), k2tog above the last brick stick and the black stitch that separates the bricks, every other block of bricks.
E.g. the 2nd decrease would be k6, k2tog, repeat
3rd decrease, k5, k2tog, repeat
At some point you may have a bricks that are only 2 stitches.
When you get close to the top, decrease every other row and k2tog on the last row of the bricks.
Then k2tog all stitches for the next 2 rows.
Cut yarn and close top by running yarn through remaining stitches with a tapestry needles.
Weave in ends and block.
Zig zag hat
Based on Shadow 32 from Mosaic Knits by Barbara Walker (page 168).
Multiple of 14 stitches
With MC cast on 120 stitches
K1p1 rib for 2”
Add CC and begin slip stitch pattern on chart
Continue until hat measures 6”
Begin decrease pattern charts. After working through charts 1-4,
K2tog around
Knit 1 around
K2tog around
K2tog around
Break yarn and thread throug live loops and end.
Open chart “Rainbow Zigzag Sweater” in Chart Minder ![Chart Minder logo](
Open chart “Rainbow Zigzag Sweater - decreases” in Chart Minder ![Chart Minder logo](