Purple Effortless
January 22, 2012
February 19, 2012

Purple Effortless

Project info
Effortless Cardigan by Hannah Fettig
Needles & yarn
Classic Elite Yarns Moorland
9 skeins = 1323.0 yards (1209.8 meters), 450 grams
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts

I saw this yarn on sale at Webs, and had to get it. I really like the color, it’s a nice shade, not too purple.

22 Jan- Cast on. Yarn is very soft, maybe a litle too fuzzy. Am a little concerned about the drape of the cardigan, but I really, realy want to knit the effortless, so I’m going to keep going.

24 Jan- made it all the way to where you divide the sleeve stitches from the body. Looking good. Spoke to a fellow knitter to ask how she feels about the yarn and its use in this project, she’s really happy with hers, so I feel better.

8 Feb- ok, so I have made good progress. The body is finished, no issues, it’s very dtraightforward, I mean stockinette, right? Except for maybe my little blunder in joining one ball of yarn to another…knot untying and all…but it’s fixed anyway.
Now I am on to sleeves, first one done till about the elbow.

13 Feb- Knocked on my behind by a pretty bad cold. Finished first sleeve though, onto the second.

19 Feb- OMG, I finished. Blocking right now, can’t wait to photograph it this weekend

19 Mar- I cannot believe it took me a month to photograph this thing! I’ve worn it a few times and I really like it. However because of the Mohair component , it sheds a little, and there’s been some piling. Maybe this was not the perfect choice of yarn for this project after all.
But it knits up beautifully and the color is great!

viewed 170 times
January 22, 2012
February 19, 2012
About this pattern
1908 projects, in 4343 queues
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About this yarn
by Classic Elite Yarns
42% Merino, 23% Alpaca, 19% Mohair, 16% Acrylic
147 yards / 50 grams

741 projects

stashed 733 times

KNITulescu's star rating
  • Project created: January 22, 2012
  • Finished: March 19, 2012
  • Updated: September 17, 2014
  • Progress updates: 4 updates