Knitted Miser's Purse
May 9, 2013
September 8, 2013

Knitted Miser's Purse

Project info
The Fashionable Past
Needles & yarn
US 5/0 - 1.0 mm
Purely Silk Beading Cord Size E
1 skein = 200.0 yards (182.9 meters)
Fire Mountain Gems
Size 15/0 seed beads

A knitted version of a miser’s purse with a star on one end. Though the examples of these I’ve seen have been crocheted, I’m knitting one. In other words, don’t use me for documentation!

I am, however, going to write the pattern for it and post it. I’m using all period stitches and ideas, so we’ll see how it goes!

17 May--I’m to the center section! Just barely visible in the current latest picture. I have to say, the first YO P2tog row was Not Fun. The later ones have been easier, but for the the first time I noticed this thread has absolutely no give!

Each section is going to be just under four inches. I wanted to be sure to have enough thread and based on my overly complicated calculations based on the pineapple--which used the same thread--a spool has about 28000 stitches in it. Just under four inches gives me 28000 stitches, four inches gives 29000 stitches :)

8 September--It’s done! I’m waiting until I have better pictures before calling it official :)

10 October--Finally! Adjustable toe rings worked perfectly for the rings. I can call this done now :)

viewed 179 times
May 9, 2013
September 8, 2013
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: May 10, 2013
  • Updated: October 10, 2013
  • Progress updates: 6 updates