Do not go gentle into that good night
January 23, 2024
February 26, 2024

Do not go gentle into that good night

Project info
Through The Gate Gently by Rosemary (Romi) Hill
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
9 repeats of A
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Knit Picks Aloft
398 yards in stash
3.47 skeins = 902.2 yards (825.0 meters), 86 grams

As with previous mashups, I basically worked 1 repeat of Chart A, then worked the 2nd end from the cast on. When that end is done, I went back and continued with Chart A some more.

Chart A
Casting on the right number of stitches the first time is helpful

Any repeat markers move on rows 17, 27, and 31.

After doing the first repeat of chart A, I started the second end with Ball 2.

Chart B
I ended up removing repeat markers after a couple of rows because they were annoying me with many jumping YOs.

Chart C
I added back in repeat markers when YOs moved away from the markers.

Any repeat markers will move on row 13.

Row 7’s 7 from 3 stitch is fun, as is purling them on the following row in the silk/mohair yarn. Be careful not to purl any of the stitches together.

The second end basically repeats Charts B and C after the transition.

When picking up for the second end, I know Romi picked up the stitches as she in-zipped the CO, but I like to pick up and count all of my stitches and make sure it’s all good before undoing the CO. It just seems safer that way.

Yarn Usage

Start -
Ball 1 - 24.3 grams
Ball 2 - 24.8 grams
Ball 3 - 24.6 grams
Ball 4 - 23.4 grams

Chart A - repeating rows 1-32
Repeat 1 - Ball 1 - 16.6 g left
Repeat 2 - 9.2 g
Repeat 3 - 2.0 g
Repeat 4 - started Ball 3 on row 10 - 19.1 g
Repeat 5 - 11.8 g
Repeat 6 - 4.3 g
Repeat 7 - started Ball 4 on row 21 - 20.7 g
Repeat 8 - 13.4 g
Repeat 9 - 6.2 g
After row 34 - 5.8 g

“Second” End -
Chart B - started Ball 2 - 18.4 g left
Chart C - 13. 8 g

“First” End -
Chart B - Ball 4 continued - 0.4 g
Chart C - reattached Ball 2 at the very end of row 2 - 9.8 g

A 25ish gram ball got me 3+ repeats of Chart A and the second end took about 11 grams so the ball I used for that is enough for the first end.

viewed 206 times | helped 1 person
January 23, 2024
February 26, 2024
About this pattern
19 projects, in 67 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
72% Mohair, 28% Silk
260 yards / 25 grams

12939 projects

stashed 10761 times

KristinaS's star rating
  • Project created: February 11, 2024
  • Updated: February 28, 2024