Astrid's Christmas tangle potholder
April 2, 2023
April 4, 2023

Astrid's Christmas tangle potholder

Project info
Astrid's Christmas tangle potholder by Astrid Schandy
Hooks & yarn


This was not my favourite design to make, but after a long struggle today, it appears to be the one I need to learn about basic colour change. This pattern hides all colour changes behind the works, so you don’t have to do them too perfect yet, or perform extra hacks to make them look good. It is still a bit of a struggle, like every first time, but so far so good.

viewed 11 times
April 2, 2023
April 4, 2023
About this pattern
44 projects, in 29 queues
L33ntj3's overall rating
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L33ntj3's difficulty rating
  • Project created: April 2, 2023
  • Updated: April 4, 2023
  • Progress updates: 3 updates