Conjoined Sock Twins - Qualifier SM 2025
February 16, 2025
February 23, 2025

Conjoined Sock Twins - Qualifier SM 2025

Project info
Conjoined Sock Twins by Katherine Richmond
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
S (64)
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Old stock no label
2 skeins

I wanted to do the whole sock on 2,75 needles, but it was virtually impossible to get the needle trough the stitches with the toe. Magic Loop. I’m not a toe-up fan ;-)

So I started with 2,5 mm, will switch to 2,75 for the leg, cause cables draw in too much for me. Must not forget to go back to 2,5 mm for the second foot.


Almost finished the first half. I decided not to get up a needle size for the leg because the whole sock was pretty roomy, but now I regret that. The leg is rather long, and it did have a Sock Madness fit after all : it fits, but barely gets over the heel. Once past that obstacle they are okay, but I would have liked a bit more stretch.

As I am 54 rows in to the leg (out of 60) I will use the entire day today decided if I should frog. I probably might ; it was just an evening of work, and socks I can put on myself wil be worn so much more.


I was almost done with the leg, when i decided it was too tight after all. I prefer socks that i can get on and off without help. So i decided to frog the leg and change to a 2,75 mm needle

Of course it was impossible to frog to the beginning of the leg, so i decided to frog aan the way to the foot, making it five rows shorter because it was a little roomy. In hindsight this was a good thing z because i did two increases too little ook the gusset ; 16 totaal instead of 16 between the border stitches.

The hurdles from here were taken, so tomorrow this time I should almost be done with the leg.


I am really really really starting to hate this sock, or at least the pattern. I have so many questions that are hard to formulate, and when you ask in the question the, you get an answer you can’t work with. Can’t find other info I need either so i feel very much on my own. I don’t want to bother the mods. Somehow in have frogged and redone EVERY part of this sock at least once, no matter how intensely I read the instructions, how carefully I do every stitch exactly as written, I end up screwing it all up.

Then I discovered a hole in the leg where my yarn broke. Never happened to me before. And in the middle of a cable. I tried to mend it as good as possible, but it is a horrible scar.

I was close to tossing in the towel, but decided to give it one more chance. Had to frog the heel flap twice because my edge stitches did not look right all the time, but I got it. Ending after a row 4 I carefully did the heel turn; that went very well. Then I picked up the stitches for the gusset ; perfect. Then I wanted to continue the instep…… And noticed my heel turn somehow is inside out. No idea how that happened.

Either there is something suddenly very wrong with my brain, or there is something structural in the pattern that does not match my way of thinking. I guess it is somewhere in the unclarity if left/right/front/back/wrong side/right side, as these switch all the time, and I have always had major trouble with left and right.

I have never had SO much trouble knitting a sock, and I definitely never cried so much over one nor have I ever had to frog and fix so much in one sock.

Even though this is already taking extremely long, I will need to take a days rest tomorrow. It is way below my standards to give up before the game has started, but I am also really regretting to sign up for this Madness, as this is way beyond any Sock Madness I ever went through, including the first. If my husband had any say in this, I would have to stop now, because he hates to watch me struggling and tormenting so much over ‘a stupid sock’. Men…….

I am at 75% now, but I have already knit three socks and frogged 1,5. And it is not like I never knit socks or read a pattern before…..

Something must be very wrong with me :-(


Can’t believe I have actually finished these. The second heel was a struggle and needed three attempts, the gusset went a lot better. Foot was a welcome resting point.
Toe gave no problems, which almost gave me the idea I must have done it wrong ;-)

I know the cast-off, although I never use it since it is not stretchy enough for me, especially not with such an extremely long leg .I will redo it with my own extra stretchy cast off after submission.

I loved the design of these socks and the general idea ; very sockmadnessy. Unfortunately I could not befriend myself with the way the instructions were written, and I have been very close to quitting several times. I do, however, not think I might make these again, or with a lot of alterations. Although this ‘why choose the easy path of you can take the hard one’ was kind of sockmadnessy too ;-)

viewed 65 times
February 16, 2025
February 23, 2025
About this pattern
1880 projects, in 63 queues
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  • Project created: February 16, 2025
  • Updated: February 23, 2025
  • Progress updates: 5 updates