Intarsia in-the-round without an end of round wrap-and-turn.
Haven’t ever done any intarsia, let alone in-the-round!
Got the kilim idea from Keiran Foley’s Boucherouite:
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and the in-the-round method from an Interweave sock pattern:
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Made a chart in WinCrea - based on Boucherouite and the Yanni Petsopoulos kilim illustrated below, but much simplified.
Not sure why I am knitting it at all when what I really want to do it weave it!
Might be amusing to see if I can chart and knit the bottom motif.
Thursday 21 March 2019
Equinox and Supermoon.
Am loving this and loving doing it! Not even finding all those butterflies a bother…
Colours are not really ‘choice’ but using what I have - have to economise if I want to snowbird again next winter; and I do…
Sunday 07 April 2019
Two repeats. Do rather wish I had stayed with 4 mm needle - I think the swatch looks better. Oh, well…
Haven’t had to renew a butterfly yet, but a problem with them: as they get smaller the binding gets looser and the yarn unravels too easily. Have played about with one and think I can use a baggie tie as binding instead of binding with yarn. Then you can twist the baggie tie a bit to tighten up the binding and thus stop the butterfly unraveling .
Two pins mark where I did not twist the yarns. Will have to fix these but don’t yet know how.
Oh, dear, this is a bit daunting: piece is 18” wide. To get a cushion cover 18” square I have to do 7 repeats!!!!
Friday 12 April 2019
Started 3rd repeat Monday evening (8th) and finished Thursday evening (11th). Several butterflies needed renewing so that held things up, especially as I had to research and practice joining. Settled on the so-called Russian join (like a double Bury splice). A bit thick unless you trim the strands in the bitter end but then they had a tendency to worm their way to the surface so I didn’t; and so far the join really does not seem to show.
Been using a good 6 yds for a butterfly but as they were getting used up the ties became very loose and too much yarn kept pulling out so I have fastened the new ones with baggie ties so, theoretically, I should be able to tighten them up as the butterfly gets thinner - we’ll see…
I had to use/make 3 separate charts because the repeat of the main field is 20 rows, but the repeat of the borders (white and camel zigzag) is 12 rows, so border would only repeat over 60 rows. Fiddly, but it has worked. Thank heaven for WinCrea - a very oldie but still a goodie…
Friday 26 April 2019
Fifth repeat: pic shows inside out. Should be able to trim all ends from Russian joins once washed and pressed.
Necessity to do some tidying up in the garden is taking up knitting time.
On present measurements will need 7 and a half reps to get 18”. That’s not going to happen so it will have to stretch!
Elastic bands on butterflies work better than baggie ties.
Weavers knot
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Need a new border butterfly and there are only 3 stitches so the Russian join would knit thick over 2 rows. Don’t like the idea of that so am wondering if I can get away with a weavers knot. Am going to try it, hence the link to the instructions because though I have practiced it, it is just so easy to forget - was never very good at knots at the best of times, remembering ‘Lemon Tree’.
Boucherouite rugs:
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