Blanket in Reds and Purples
September 2004
November 2004

Blanket in Reds and Purples

Project info
Machine Knitting
Tools and equipment

My 45 year old simple knitting machine and I transformed 37 red and purple yarns into this blanked. In the precise moment, when I had hung up the blanket on the wall of our balkony to take pictures a heavy snow storm began.

Classifying my stash one day I noticed a backlog of single skeins of all shades of red and purple in different yarn qualities. I first had no idea what to to with those two big boxes of yarn and had already decided to bring it to a school or a kindergarden.
Accidently I found an Empisal knitting machine on the fleamarket for 20 Euros and decided to bring yarn and machine together.

For non-machine-knitters: a machine has a restricted number of needles so you cannot knit in any width. Big projects must be departed in appropriate fragments and knit or sewn together.

This blanket was a huge exercise in planning and knitting together.
I startet with a square constructed with short rows. Then I worked the usual log-cabin method to finish the square. Two squares were knitted together and this pair was connected to another pair. You can work any size this way. Fortunately ends could be woven in with the machine. Only at some cross-ways I had to sew in some threads.

After connecting all squares I lined the blanket with some bourette-silk. I quilted blanket and fabric at the lines where the squares are knit together.

Finally I worked the border in one piece. The border is double throughout and the corners are worked in short-rows exactly like sock heels.
I was glad that my sewing machine transported all layers well.

The blanked is favored by all family members and therefore is machine washed several times a year.

viewed 600 times | helped 2 people
September 2004
November 2004
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: July 15, 2010
  • Finished: July 15, 2010
  • Updated: December 23, 2016