Paris lights
June 16, 2016
August 14, 2016

Paris lights

Project info
Needles & yarn
La Bien Aimée Merino DK
1006 yards in stash

Yarn photo from La Bien Aimée Flickr page


Inspired by The Lace Mess Shawl with random y/o, but knitting heart shape (as per 5 Basic Shawl Shapes Cheat Sheet). To avoid central spine, but heart shape growth of the shawl, will be skipping 2 decreases on the y/o nearest to center as per the cheat sheet increase ratio.
Finally, will use the Ojete Scarf for the edging.


Started on US 7 to make sure I’m taking she right size with me on the cruise. Waaay too bit, glad O checked. Unravrled and switched to US6. Perfect!
Did tab cast on: c/o 2 sts, knit for 14 rows, then p/u 7 sts from the garter tab (+2 and 2 on each side for a total of 11 sts). Began the heart shape increases as per the Shawl Shapes Cheat Sheet, from “row 5” instructions, skipping the first 4.
Continued with 6 increases every RS row, 2 closer to each edge, 2 closer to center.


Flight delay helps with progress


Ran out of yarn half way through the BO, so ordered another skein, I guess this one will have a matching glove-set ;)


Got the yarn and B/O done! :)

viewed 70 times | helped 1 person
June 16, 2016
August 14, 2016
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by La Bien Aimée
100% Merino
252 yards / 115 grams

4893 projects

stashed 6013 times

Len4ik's star rating
  • Project created: June 10, 2016
  • Finished: August 15, 2016
  • Updated: May 21, 2017
  • Progress updates: 4 updates