F l o w e r s of O s t a r a S h a w l T e s t
July 2, 2016
July 23, 2016

F l o w e r s of O s t a r a S h a w l T e s t

Project info
The Flowers of Ostara by Catherine Knutsson
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
smallbirdworkshop on ravelry
Needles & yarn
Posh Yarn Diana Heavy Lace
78 yards in stash
0.88 skeins = 571.6 yards (522.7 meters), 88 grams

Approximate Hours to Complete: 20 – 30 hours
Deadline: August 1, 2016

Test Tread


23 repeats of size M done, have 22 grams left. Last row took 1 gram, so will do another 12 row chart repeat before binding off.


Finished the additional repeat, 14g left for the BO.
With Catherine’s approval, will be adding the BO on the other external side as well, for a symmetrical look.


finished the BO on both sides.
22g left before additional repeat
16g left after additional repeat
14g left after the original BO
12g left after additional BO
Total: 88 grams/571.6 yards used


My M size is HUGE! :-)
A: 55”
B: 64”
C: 94”
Depth: 18”

Love it! Can’t wait for it to cool off, so I could wear it

viewed 33 times
July 2, 2016
July 23, 2016
About this pattern
13 projects, in 22 queues
Len4ik's overall rating
Len4ik's clarity rating
Len4ik's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Posh Yarn
80% Merino, 20% Silk
656 yards / 100 grams

245 projects

stashed 710 times

Len4ik's star rating
  • Project created: June 29, 2016
  • Finished: July 25, 2016
  • Updated: August 26, 2016
  • Progress updates: 4 updates