Baby Alpaca and Sari Silk Shawl
September 25, 2020
October 2, 2020

Baby Alpaca and Sari Silk Shawl

Project info
Sharon Alderman Swatch Collection
Crosses on plain weave ground
Rosemary (MIL)
Tools and equipment
Varpa - 60"
12 epi x 12 ppi
Golden Eagle Baby Alpaca Sport
74 yards in stash
6.33 skeins = 1377.6 yards (1259.7 meters), 316 grams
Sari silk
Aran (8 wpi)
0.4 skeins = 75 grams

I’m starting with a dummy warp because I need to keep loom waste to a bare minimum. If this goes well then I will tie on more warps and make more of them.

The plain weave base is at 12 epi with a sari silk pattern warp end every 24 base ends. I am sleying this on an 8 dent reed as 2/2/2/1/2/1/2/silk/2/1/2/1/2/1/2/1. The sari silk pattern warp is too thick for a 12 dent reed and too thick to share a dent in the 8 dent reed.

If anyone is interested: I have figured out how to weave this pattern on 6 shafts instead of 10. The revised draft is among the project images.

Oct. 1: I am so dumb! I didn’t put any sizing on the sari silk and it really didn’t like rubbing on the reed. I had to spot size it with hair gel. It’s really beautiful though. Worth the trouble. Next time I will use a strong gelatin sizing on the sari silk.

Also, the S-twist sari silk did not twist well with the Z-twist alpaca. I will have to extract many of them and weave them in.

Off loom61”26½“
Warp EndsCalculation
    Finished width   24.00”
+ Shrinkage (7.00%)+ 1.68”
+ Take-up (10.00%)+ 2.57”
= Width at reed= 28.25”
× Warp Sett× 12.00 epi
= Warp ends= 339 ends
+ Adjustment for pattern−3
= Total warp ends= 336 ends
Warp LengthCalculation
    Finished length   62.00”
+ Shrinkage (7.00%)+ 4.34”
+ Take-up (10.00%)+ 6.70”
= Length to weave (relaxed)= 67.00”
= Length to weave (under tension)= 73.00”
+ Fringe+ 16.00”
= Length of item= 89.00”
× Item count× 1.00
= Length of weaving= 77.00”
+ Loom waste+ 12.00”
+ Warp length adjustment+ 1.00”
= Total warp length= 90.00”
= 2 yards 18”
= 229 cm
    Total warp ends   336 ends
× Total warp length× 90.00”
= Total warp yarn required= 840 yards
    Actual width at reed   28.00”
× Picks per inch× 12.00 ppi
× Length to weave× 73.70”
× Item count× 1.00
= Total weft yarn required= 682 yards
= Total yarn required= 1522 yards


viewed 281 times | helped 2 people
September 25, 2020
October 2, 2020
About this yarn
by Golden Eagle
100% Alpaca
218 yards / 50 grams

10 projects

stashed 9 times

Lian-Chu's star rating
  • Originally queued: September 9, 2020
  • Project created: September 16, 2020
  • Finished: October 2, 2020
  • Updated: November 28, 2020
  • Progress updates: 2 updates