Huck lace table runner
March 24, 2019
March 28, 2019

Huck lace table runner

Project info
Huck lace table runner
Tools and equipment
Bockens Nialin 22/2
0.8 balls = 1440.0 yards (1316.7 meters), 200 grams

This came out so nice after wet finishing that I am determined to make more, in different colors.

Warp EndsCalculation
    Finished width   16.00”
+ Shrinkage (7.00%)+ 1.12”
+ Take-up (8.00%)+ 1.37”
= Width at reed= 18.49”
× Warp Sett× 20.00 epi
= Warp ends= 370 ends
+ Adjustment for pattern+4
= Total warp ends= 374 ends
Warp LengthCalculation
    Finished length   46.00”
+ Shrinkage (7.00%)+ 3.22”
+ Take-up (8.00%)+ 4.00”
= Length to weave (relaxed)= 50.00”
= Length to weave (under tension)= 54.00”
+ Fringe+ 0.00”
= Length of item= 54.00”
× Item count× 1.00
= Length of weaving= 54.00”
+ Loom waste+ 24.00”
= Total warp length= 78.00”
= 2 yards 6”
    Total warp ends   374 ends
× Total warp length× 78.00”
= Total warp yarn required= 811 yards
    Actual width at reed   18.70”
× Picks per inch× 20.00 ppi
× Length to weave× 54.00”
× Item count× 1.00
= Total weft yarn required= 561 yards


viewed 29 times
March 24, 2019
March 28, 2019
About this yarn
by Bockens
Thread, size 2
60% Cotton, 40% Linen / Flax
1800 yards / 250 grams

515 projects

stashed 494 times

Lian-Chu's star rating
  • Originally queued: March 4, 2019
  • Project created: March 24, 2019
  • Finished: March 28, 2019
  • Updated: March 30, 2019