Hudson's Bay point baby blankets
August 10, 2019
October 17, 2019

Hudson's Bay point baby blankets

Project info
Strickler p.17, no 47
Breaks and Recesses
BlanketBaby Blanket
Tools and equipment
David - 90cm
15.24 epi x 15.24 ppi
Maysville 8/4 Cotton Carpet Warp
10 skeins = 8000.0 yards (7315.2 meters), 2260 grams

It seems a crime to thread 544 ends and only make one article, so I am tying on another warp and making four more baby blankets. This time I am using a temple and experiment with weft angles to get a cleaner selvedge. The first blanket had an OK edge but the warp threads were much tighter.

Oct 17: These things take as long to hand-stitch the hem as they do to weave! The temple and weft bubbling really improved the edges of the blanket. The fabric is also less dense than the previous baby blanket. I probably should have gone for 18epi. Breaks and recesses has less interlacement than 2/2 twill so a closer sett is probably appropriate. Also, I should probably add some plain or basket weave at the edge for the temple to bite into instead of running the pattern all the way to the edge.

on loom35”×56”
off loom, hemmed32”×48”
wet finished & ironed28”×42”

Pretty close to the target dimensions.

Warp EndsCalculation
    Finished width   31.00”
+ Shrinkage (8.00%)+ 2.48”
+ Take-up (7.00%)+ 2.34”
= Width at reed= 35.82”
× Warp Sett× 15.24 epi
= Warp ends= 546 ends
+ Adjustment for pattern−2
= Total warp ends= 544 ends
Warp LengthCalculation
    Finished length   48.00”
+ Shrinkage (8.00%)+ 3.84”
+ Take-up (7.00%)+ 3.64”
= Length to weave (relaxed)= 52.00”
= Length to weave (under tension)= 56.00”
+ Fringe+ 0.00”
= Length of item= 56.00”
× Item count× 4.00
= Length of weaving= 218.00”
+ Loom waste+ 27.00”
= Total warp length= 252.00”
= 7 yards 0”
    Total warp ends   544 ends
× Total warp length× 252.00”
= Total warp yarn required= 3808 yards
    Actual width at reed   35.70”
× Picks per inch× 15.24 ppi
× Length to weave× 55.64”
× Item count× 4.00
= Total weft yarn required= 3491 yards

data link

viewed 88 times
August 10, 2019
October 17, 2019
About this yarn
by Maysville
100% Cotton
800 yards / 226 grams

993 projects

stashed 1207 times

Lian-Chu's star rating
  • Project created: August 10, 2019
  • Finished: October 17, 2019
  • Updated: October 23, 2019