Persimmon Flower Table Runner
July 2, 2020
July 6, 2020

Persimmon Flower Table Runner

Project info
Tools and equipment
David - 90cm
20 epi x 20 ppi
1,386 yards
Maurice Brassard et Fils Inc. 8/2 Unmercerized Cotton
756 yards in stash
0.73 balls = 1226.2 yards (1121.3 meters), 165 grams
Uncommon Threads Yarn in Los Altos, California
Maysville 8/4 Cotton Carpet Warp
0.2 skeins = 160.0 yards (146.3 meters), 45 grams

I want to try out my new persimmon flower sashiko-ori draft before weaving yardage for clothing. A table runner in 8/2 cotton will do. 378 ends of blue and 62 end of white.

I have made separate warp chains for the blue and white warp ends. I am sleying and threading the blue ends first at 20 epi, but positioning the heddles for the white ends as I go. Next I will sley the white ends through every third dent and thread through the already placed heddles. ETA: This was a mistake. Threading through the correct dent and between the correct heddles was very difficult. In the end there were two crossed threads. Next time I will wind all of the warp ends in the correct order and not cut corners.

If I had a 2nd warp beam I would use it for the white ends. But I don’t, so I will have to monitor the white ends and add weight to them if they grow slack. ETA: A surprisingly large amount of weight is required to keep tension. Also, I had to disable my new friction brake and just use the warp ratchet due to the weighted warp threads.

July 6: Overall, I am very happy with how this turned out. I only have two complaints: the pattern on the back looks great but the way the pattern weft is carried up the side looks awful, and it is quite a bit shorter than I planned. I can change the tie-up so that the pattern weft goes all the way to the edge and is carried up there. The length issue is because I had to stop weaving before the knots even got to the back beam, so the loom waste was more than 24” even though I laced onto the cloth bar. If I had a 2nd warp beam this would not have happened.

Also, it didn’t weave square. After wet finishing I got 24epi and 19ppi.

Warp EndsCalculation
    Finished width   16.25”
+ Shrinkage (7.00%)+ 1.14”
+ Take-up (8.00%)+ 1.39”
= Width at reed= 18.78”
× Warp Sett× 20.00 epi
= Warp ends= 376 ends
+ Adjustment for pattern+2
= Total warp ends= 378 ends
Warp LengthCalculation
    Finished length   52.00”
+ Shrinkage (7.00%)+ 3.64”
+ Take-up (8.00%)+ 4.48”
= Length to weave (relaxed)= 56.00”
= Length to weave (under tension)= 61.00”
+ Fringe+ 0.00”
= Length of item= 61.00”
× Item count× 1.00
= Length of weaving= 61.00”
+ Loom waste+ 24.00”
= Total warp length= 85.00”
= 2 yards 13”
= 216 cm
    Total warp ends   378 ends
× Total warp length× 85.00”
= Total warp yarn required= 893 yards
    Actual width at reed   18.90”
× Picks per inch× 20.00 ppi
× Length to weave× 60.48”
× Item count× 1.00
= Total weft yarn required= 641 yards
= Total yarn required= 1534 yards


viewed 36 times | helped 1 person
July 2, 2020
July 6, 2020
About this yarn
by Maysville
100% Cotton
800 yards / 226 grams

993 projects

stashed 1207 times

Lian-Chu's star rating
About this yarn
by Maurice Brassard et Fils Inc.
Thread, size
100% Cotton
1680 yards / 227 grams

2725 projects

stashed 3413 times

Lian-Chu's star rating
  • Project created: June 4, 2020
  • Finished: July 6, 2020
  • Updated: October 4, 2020