Sudoku Blanket
January 1, 2021
January 29, 2021

Sudoku Blanket

Project info
Made up as I went along
Double Bed
Needles & yarn
Garnstudio DROPS Big Merino
Wendy Aurora
6 skeins = 1902.9 yards (1740.0 meters), 600 grams
The Knitting Network
December 2020

Sudoku Blanket

I used 6 colours of Wendy Aurora - about 1 skein of each plus some Drops Big Merino I had in my stash which ai had used after frogging a sweater which was far too big!

I wanted to make the blanket big enough for a double bed so between the blocks of 3 mitred squares I added black garter stitch strips of increasing depth as well as a deep centre panel and sides.

In order not to repeat any one colour per line - either horizontal or vertical, I used a completed mini-sudoku from The Guardian Puzzle App to plan my colours. There is a total of 36 squares divided into 12 panels of 3 squares each.

Each square begins with a total of 71 stitches and after the cast on row plus one further row, I did a double centre decrease (slip 2 sts, k1 and pass slipped sts over the knit st) on every right side row. I also slipped the last stitch of every row with yarn forward - this gave a lovely edge into which to pick up and knit sts for the next square or the garter panels.

viewed 13 times
January 1, 2021
January 29, 2021
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Garnstudio
100% Merino
82 yards / 50 grams

11728 projects

stashed 6149 times

LittleEnidFAn's star rating
LittleEnidFAn's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Soft
  2. Washable
  3. Great stitch definition
About this yarn
by Wendy
100% Acrylic
317 yards / 100 grams

108 projects

stashed 87 times

LittleEnidFAn's star rating
  • Project created: January 31, 2021
  • Updated: September 21, 2021