Ana Luisa's Red Robin
April 17, 2014
May 9, 2014

Ana Luisa's Red Robin

Project info
Ana Luisa's Wrap by Julie Blagojevich
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
jblagojevich on ravelry
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
madelinetosh Prairie
2 skeins = 1680.0 yards (1536.2 meters), 240 grams
Yarn Expressions in Huntsville, Alabama

I am so so loving this pattern!

Pre-block measurements are 53” inner circle and 11” wide.

Post block measurements are 59” inner circle and almost 16” wide.

5/9/14 Whew … I believe one could pin and pin and pin and it would never be perfect. However, I think I am going to be quite pleased in the morning! I don’t believe I have ever pinned, re-pinned and pinned again to actually end up using the least amount of pins ever!

I decided to let most of the picots just be, and only pin the tr picot of each petal. I even thought about not blocking the edging at all.

5/6/14 Row C finished and 7.2g left of first skein.

5/1/14 After completing the body, I have 35g left of my first skein.

4/24/14 I am about halfway through the body of this wrap. The only change I made in working this pattern is at the end/beginning of the rows. I found I was having trouble with the Ch3, turn. Work dc in each of next 4 st. Instead, I am working ch2 turn, work actual number of stitches (5) …

Row 4: Ch 3, turn. Work a dc in very 1st st alongside 3 ch (increase made). I ch 2 turn, work 2 dc in first st (increase made). On the short rows, I ch 1 turn, hdc 16 st.

This pattern is written very clear. I made this change because I learned and for 40+ years have chained, one less on turning then the actual stitch and work full stitch count. I worked the first 3 repeats as the pattern is written but made the change because of my turning habits. Old habits die hard!!! :)

Oh, did I mention I love this design! Another great one, Julie and Gina!

viewed 217 times | helped 1 person
April 17, 2014
May 9, 2014
About this pattern
27 projects, in 83 queues
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About this yarn
by madelinetosh
100% Merino
840 yards

9222 projects

stashed 13658 times

LoTaKi's star rating
  • Project created: April 15, 2014
  • Finished: May 10, 2014
  • Updated: May 25, 2014
  • Progress updates: 6 updates