Finished, except for the border. I am going to block it first though!
6/23 - On the last official round of Sophie. Will post a pic as soon as I finish that up. Not sure yet about the border :)
6/20 - Finally able to get back to this; took time out to test a pattern, which is now complete. I’m currently on Round 106, so only about 7 more to go. Then I can decide if I’ll ‘grow’ it or put a pretty border on it. I’m looking to finish this one up, its so pretty. :)
5/23 - Caught up through Round 104! Finish line is in sight!! Unblocked pics… just noticed I’d not yet done the second set of optional flowers yet, they’ll be Rose like the other ones.
5/20 Update: I got sidetracked by a pattern test for several weeks which is now complete. So I’m free to work on my Sophie. I haven’t even looked on the site yet, this CAL could be over now! Will update progress pics later today!
Part of my goal for 2015 is to work from/thru my acrylic yarn stash. So yay for a fun CAL! No game plan yet, will list as I go. I-Impeccable; RH-Red Heart; C-Caron
Butterscotch (I) - (Canary)
Soft Rose (I) - (Light Pink)
Rose (C) - (Dark Pink)
Rich Orchid (I) - (Fuschia)
Jade (RH) - (Light Turquoise)
Grass (I) - (Light Green)
Amethyst (I) - (Moors)
Dark Orchid (RH) - (Heath)
Teal (I) added Pt. 3 - (Turquoise)
Medium Purple (RH) added Pt. 4 - (Violet)
Light Lavender (RH) added Pt. 4 - (Light Purple)
Looks like this will be the palette unless more colors are added. I can’t get a good pic of the colors really. You can see the difference in the petal points colors very clearly in real life. I’m enjoying this immensely, its very different from what I’ve been doing for several months.
1/31 - Finishing up Rnd. 23 this morning. Ended up adding Teal to the palette for Rnd 22. It looks so pretty, I wish my camera could capture the colors better. I did notice, a round too late, that I do my popcorn’s differently. It didn’t alter the counts or anything, but did cause a bit of an odd pull, it appears slightly off center. Oh well, that its the way I learned to do them. (I do dc5tog in same stitch, closed with a sc; makes a perfectly raised round popcorn)
1/31 - Finally got a good shot in natural light!
2/1 - Received Part 4 today. Just finished up Rnd 29, its beginning to square off now, and there’s what looks to be flowers in the corners at the moment. Bringing in a new color for Rnd 30, Medium Purple. The colors are going so well, but very overcast today. Pics will have the coloring off as a result.
2/2 - I’m taking it slow because I don’t want to wait so long for the next part. It is coming along beautifully and so far the colors are really working well together. Brought in another new one for Rnd 36, Light Lavender. (only this rnd and 1 optional rnd to go, so I didn’t do so hot trying not to do it up so fast)
2/7 - Excited for the next release tomorrow, I was looking over my piece and the pattern. I noticed that I was supposed to do bphdc on that final round, so I ripped it back and started it in bphdc… But I am not sure I like the lighter color now, I may take it out and use the medium purple instead. I think I will wait till I see what the next few rows will be like before finally deciding. Also not sure about the color for the optional flowers. I think it will come together more visually if I hold up on these two rnds for now.
2/8 - Happy to start on Part 5 today. Kept the light lavender, and decided on Rose for the flowers, which finished up Part 4. Pics tomorrow.
2/9 - Very overcast today, so the coloring is off a bit, but it is coming along beautifully. I’m still working on round 41 today. Taking my time and enjoying the process so much. :) Lots of triple crochet ‘shells’ with picots in the middle… went with the Dark Orchid as opposed to the Amethyst which my color substitution list would call for, it is such a dark purple it appears almost black; the lighter of the two seemed best.
Also to note is that I did the ‘popcorns’ in round 39 the way the pattern instructs as opposed to the way I was taught decades ago. I felt this method best suited and produced a more ‘tulip’ shaped result, whereas mine would be perfectly round little balls.
2/17 - Got a few pics in good light. Am complete through Part 6. The colors are so lovely. Very pleased so far! Will tidy up ends and finish the optional flowers on the other 3 corners before Part 7 comes out. Can’t wait!
2/22 - Started Part 7. I got all my ends woven in, and the rest of the flowers done as planned beforehand. Rnds 54 thru 57 are done. Gonna have to take Rnd 58 slowly, its got a lot of those tricky tc bobbles to make leaves. The stitch itself isn’t difficult, and I can’t speak for others, but in this pattern the way you have to place them causes me to have to do finger and wrist gymnastics, lol. Its just really awkward to do the stitches where they are required… Ah well, I’ll just keep thinking about how beautiful those upcoming roses will be nested in those leaves! :) Pics tomorrow after they are done!
2/23 - My fingers are sure getting a work out between the leaves and working now on the Roses. Took a few pics, looking very much worth the effort! :)
2/26 - Didn’t get around to finishing up this weeks section till today. I found this part to be a bit more challenging than previous ones, but its so pretty! Trying to get pics today met with Twitch immediately claiming a spot on it, he misses his lap time when I’m crocheting. :)
3/1 - Received Part 8 this morning and began, I was on last section of rnd 62 and discovered a mistake on rnd 61, I looked for a way to fudge it to avoid frogging but in the end, sadly it is best to rip it out. Bad part is that I’ll have to rip back the last round of last weeks section as the error is at the beginning of that round. :(
~Ripped back, rnd 61 redone, rnd 62 completed. Decided to swap the 2 purples around on these next two so that the darkest purple will end up last…
3/4 - Wow, so I am still trying to complete this weeks section. I have had to frog and redo a few rows, even more than once… Currently working on Rnd 66, the ruffle flowers. Snapped a pic of what I’d completed so far. Overcast today, colors will be off.
3/5 - Finished with this weeks section. I found it more challenging for some reason; made quite a few mistakes and had to rip and redo far too often. But, sticking with it is very worth it. :)
3/12 - Finished this weeks section. It was fairly straightforward and uncomplicated. I am beginning to see that all these connected fp stitches are also looking like they will form a petal shape. :)
3/25 - Haven’t updated in awhile; but I was down with the flu and couldn’t pick up a hook for about a week I was so sick :( I am caught up now though and ready for part 12 on Sunday. Its too big now to get a full pic easily, and for the first time mine is bowling somewhat, I haven’t blocked at all yet and I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’m not too sure how I feel about my Teal and Jade flowers though, but that’s how the color substitution fell out this time, and I just went with it. We will see what the next round of colors brings to it… It may grow on me, and if not, I can always frog and redo.
3/30 - Done with this weeks section. Subbed dark orchid for amethyst again, wanted the lighter of the 2. Used 5g of a new skein of Butterscotch to finish that color up, per designer it won’t be used again. Left the green flowers, no sense in changing it really, I’ll get over it. :) Looking forward to finishing this up, hard to believe there’s several more weeks to go! Its getting quite big now. Pics tomorrow morning.
4/7 - Easy week to do. Can’t wait for the upcoming butterflies…