October 21, 2009
December 10, 2009


Project info
My own design
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm

This achievable garment, was designed to use up balls of yarn that have been left over from other projects. To make up the correct thickness of yarn, it is possible to use multiple threads together as I have in parts of this coat, or you could just use scraps from partly used skeins, even start with new yarn, bought just for the garment. It is up to you. Make it as plain or brightly colored as you wish. The colors used in the photo are, fawn, Brown, Tan and Cream. Cream was used as the main color because of my ‘stock of leftovers’.

Decide which color you wish to do the crocheting up the front edges, around the base, at the beginning, and also for the knitting inside the collar. For this you will need to keep ONE 100gm ball of Bulky aside, so that it ties it all together at the finish. The rest of the creams in the garment are all random and different shades but because of the darker colors they look the same.

Knitted in Diamonds and Triangles throughout, the largest Diamond takes only 121sts. to complete the whole diamond from start to finish. A double diamond is worked to make the pocket. Although knitting a coat is a big project, by planning to do a set amount each evening/week, you can complete the garment within a set time.

The body is worked all in one piece until the armholes are reached, then it is divided into three pieces, the two front pieces and back are completed separately.

The sleeves are worked diamond by diamond after the initial line has been joined together, eliminating the need for a seam. The collar is knitted onto the garment at the end. On the tips of the collar, lengths of yarn have been hooked, which, after the collar is sewn together, form an attractive tassel.

viewed 96 times
October 21, 2009
December 10, 2009
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: March 12, 2010
  • Finished: March 12, 2010
  • Updated: September 27, 2010