Gavida Sweater test
February 23, 2023
March 13, 2023

Gavida Sweater test

Tester project info
Gavida by Linda Marveng
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
19 stitches and 30 rows
in Stockinette, washed
Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk Tinde pelsullgarn
1138 yards in stash
4 skeins = 1137.4 yards (1040.0 meters), 400 grams
up 2207-72
Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk AS in Hjelmås , Hordaland

Pattern and design:

  • Beautiful design with a celtic knot.
  • Easy to follow, but you need to focus on the cabled parts.
  • Worked flat and seamed. There are links for slip stitching with a crochet hook. I used this for the straight lines, but seamed the sleeve caps to the armholes.
  • It’s a long time ago since I worked a garment flat. I’m very happy with the fit, and liked to work with smaller pieces.
  • It’s not difficult to join the parts together, but it needs focusing, and some technique knowledge.

Yarn amount used total:

  • Back: 119 g (95+24)
  • Front: 119 g (80+39)
  • Sleeves: between 71 and 76 g used for one sleeve. (1st sleeve: 71 used total. 2nd sleeve: 76 g used total.)
  • 397 m total = about 400 m. This are 4 skeins, but since not all skeins had 100 g, I used a few grams from a fifty skein.

Yarn amount when starting - 6 skeins:

(1): 95 g, used from start of back up to 8 cm of armhole.

(2): 104 g (used for swatch, reused after new washing; will be used after skein 2) - Used from 8 cm of armhole (back) up to end of back, 80 g left. (Remaining 80 g used almost up to front armholes.)

(3): 94 g: From front armholes to end of front; 55 g left. 39 g of skein used.
1st sleeve starts with the remaining 55 g (used up at 46 cm). 1st sleeve paused, 55 g used so far. Finished with remaining yarn from 2nd sleeve, 11 g left of skein (4), 16 g used - total 71 g used for 1st sleeve.

(4): 103 g: Used for 2nd sleeve, from start to end. 27 g left (used for remaining part of 1st sleeve). 76 g used total for 2nd sleeve.
11 g left after making both sleeves (8 g of these used for joining + some end threads, 3 g left).

(5) 101 g: used for neck: 4 g (97 g left)

Gauge and needles:

  • Swatch, needle 3.5 mm (addi): 19 sts unwashed. 18.5 sts and 26 rows washed

  • Sweater: knitted with ChiaoGoo needle 3.5 mm.

  • Sweater gauge unwashed, ChiaoGoo needle 3.5 in stockinette (measured at the back): 19 sts/ 27 rows.

  • Sweater gauge washed, same needle, measured at the back: 19 sts/ 30 rows.



  • Tubular CO, starting with waste yarn and knitted in back loops on WS with main yarn. Nice and tidy result.


  • Neck: I changed the neck and worked as following, with a smaller needle (3.0 mm): Rnd 1: pick up and knit sts. Rnd 2: purl. Rnd 3-5: knit 3 rnds. Stretchy bind off.
  • Neck sts pick up count: Front sides: 13 sts x 2 (= 26). -- Front center: 28 sts. -- Back sides: 8 sts x 2 (= 16). -- Back center: 34 sts.

Measurements and other notes:

  • Back rib: 17 rows
  • Chart height before washing, measured on back: 17.5 cm (measured at cable pattern) and 19.5 cm at the side (stockinette). Chart height measured at front: 20 cm (gauge got tighter and seems to meet pattern gauge).
  • Back decreases, from 17 cm: done at chart rows 27, 35, 43. Increases worked from 26 cm (cable complete).
  • Back length to 42 cm (unwashed), then armholes worked.
  • Front: 4 more rows worked after chart (in pattern), because of gauge, to match the sleeve cup and the back (made 1 size larger).
  • Front and back rib blocked 2-3 cm wider, all other measurements as in pattern.
  • Sleeves: 11 rows Twisted rib (4.5 cm). Worked even to 6.5 cm, then inc row and chart.
  • Sleeve inc done in chart: row 7 (1st inc), then row 21, 35, 49, inc continued after chart.
  • Sleeve length before cap is 1 cm less than in pattern.
  • Body turned out 2 cm longer than in pattern, what I like.
  • Body washed and pinned, sleeves steamed.
  • Joining/ seaming: I used two different methods to join the parts together. Shoulder caps/ armholes: Seamed from RS. Sides and sleeves: Crochet slip stitch join on WS.


  • Back finished february 28.
  • Front finished march 5.
  • Front & back blocked to measurements march 12. Both sleeves finished. All parts seamed same day.
  • All finished march 13.

- M1L and M1R increases: inc stitch is made in space below the purl bump, not in the purl bump itself.

viewed 85 times
February 23, 2023
March 13, 2023
About this pattern
4 projects, in 5 queues
Lysstreif's overall rating
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Lysstreif's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk
100% Norwegian
284 yards / 100 grams

2569 projects

stashed 2042 times

Lysstreif's star rating
  • Project created: February 14, 2023
  • Finished: March 13, 2023
  • Updated: March 31, 2023
  • Progress updates: 5 updates