February 15, 2017
June 11, 2019


Project info
Hygge Scheepjes CAL 2017 by Kirsten Ballering
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn

Finally my Danish Mermaid kit has arrived - sooooo beautiful!, and with it some more additional balls of Stone washed to practise.


Started a larger swatch yesterday, much larger than the pattern suggests, with a 4.5 mm hook and the additional yarn - I want to feel the drape of the crocheted fabric, and there is always a good use for larger swatches :)!
You can see more photos of Curly Sue’s Hygge Swatch Dress here.

The gauge fits perfectly, but the fabric feels quite stiff even before x-stitching it.
I just finished my “swatch” tonight and I’ll start another one tomorrow, with a 5 mm or even a 5.5 mm hook. I know that I’ll run our of yarn (again!), but I hope I’ll find a few extra balls of Stone washed to finish a drapey stole.


Decided on a 5 mm hook - the 5.5 mm swatch (the solid herart) is even more drapey, but the x-stitches get kind of lost on it.
The 5mm hook makes a nice and soft fabric that isn’t stiff, and the cross-stitches look nice.

Never before I had cross-stitches on crocheted fabric, and my last cross-stitching is about 15 years ago … I suppose it’s like riding a bike, a few meters, and you are back :).

Week 1:
What an adventure!
In spite of “bobbelitis” in the Facebook group I made my bobbles just as the designer advises, they come out nice and neat and don’t crush the design.
Love the decent way the colors change!

Week 2:
Finished just a few minutes ago, such FUN!!!!!
Struggled quite a time with the surface crochet - going diagonally and counting to 5 at the same time can be quite hard :)! Trial and error - my way of learning, never did surface crochet before.
Cross-stitching was a real delight - I had nearly forgotten how soothing cross-stitching can be!
I love color H of the Danish Mermaid kit best - so I changed the colors for the cross-stitched flowers (F to H, G to I, H to F and J) - this also helps to show the lovely design better. And I have a reserve ball of H, so I can use this color extensively :).

I hope next Wednesday and week 3 will come soon!


Week 3 - First kit finished, second kit will get finished tonight.
Played a bit with colors on the heart cross-stitch section.
Still very very happy with this project!

viewed 225 times
February 15, 2017
June 11, 2019
About this pattern
1279 projects, in 1558 queues
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  • Project created: February 9, 2017
  • Updated: March 25, 2019
  • Progress updates: 8 updates