This is going to be a pokemon blanket/carpet/wall hanging or whatever - depending on its final size.
All pokemon are in the picture, except for the final Generation VI(pokemon X and Y)
So it includes Generation I to generation V (Black and White 1 & 2)
Width: 798 stitches
Height: 1000 rows
Total number of stitches 798 000!! :D
And for the Pokemon fans: total number of pokemon: 649 (correct me if I’m wrong, I looked it up somewhere, but I’m not sure. Perhaps I’ll count them as I go along, just to be sure)
The piece is made in two parts, one part measuring 500 x 1000 and the other 298 x 1000 (So the picture is split in the middle top to bottom, and will be sewn together afterwards)
I started with the smallest part: 298 wide and 1000 up ^-^
Number of colours: At this moment??? 120!!!
First picture!! ^-^ 35 rows done, which accounts for 10 430 stitches
The first row of pokemon is showing up, including from left to right:
Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Maril, Clefary, Minccino, Kecleon, Clefa, Minun, Plusle, Sentret’s tail and Aipom’s Tail.
The second row of pokemon has also started, showing a very tiny bit of Pidgey, Nidoran female, Sandshrew, Ekans, and also Sentret and Aipom (already on first row)
New update :) I got a lot of the second row clearly visible now!!
As stated in the previous update: Pidgey, Nidoran female, Sandshrew, Ekans, Sentret and Aipom
New arrivals: Oddish, Weedle, Monkey, Togepi and Pichu. You also see a very tiny patch of purple (above Nidoran Female’s ear) that’s going to be Venonat, and the white bloth next to Nidoran Female is going to be Raltz. The tiny fleck of blue above Pidgey is going to be Lotad.
Plus the yellow arm next to Pidgey is actually Psyduck’s arm, but isn’t going to be complete until the second part of the blanket is complete.
I’m very happy with how it looks so far!! a lot of new colours, but a lot of fun too XD
Number of completed pokemon: 12 c:
I’ll keep posted ^-^
A new picture: yay!
New arrivals: Lotad, Raltz, Venonat, Bidoof (only his front tooth, LOL ) Polywag, Tailow, Cranidos (grey above weedle), Kriketot (orange/yellow above togepi), Burmy and Cherim (on a sunny day)
Lotad, Raltz, Venonat and Polywag were slightly visible in the previous update, but not that much.
We also got a whole lot of Mankey in, which I love :D
Number of completed pokemon: 20
(with nidoran female, sandshrew, ekans, oddish, weedle, togepi, pichu and Sentret finished.
On to the next!
I can’t believe how much fun it is working on this!!
So I finished up Lotad, Raltz, Poliwag, Taillow, Mankey, Burmy and Cherrim (on a Sunny day version)
Venonat is practically finished apart from his feelers, We’ve got a lot of Bidoof, Cranidos and Kriketot going on, very lovely once you’ve got the faces.
We also have some new arrivals Munna (pink) Shieldon (yellow/gray ish) Pidove (pink feet, gray body behind Taillow) Shellos (pink/white behind Cranidos) Shinks (which has suddenly appeared and is already showing his cute face ^-^; Grimer (purple behind Burmy, and last but not least the cutest little Seal!!
Number of pokemon finished: 27
Numbers of rows done: 90
Side note: I took a shot of the back; I can’t believe how many threads there are :) All these colours :D
Here we are again!! ^-^I really enjoy working on this piece and it’s going really well :D I’ve reached row 112, and another few pokemon finished.
Muna’s done, Venonat’s antlers/feelers are finally finished, as well as Bidoof, newcomer Pidove, Cranidos, Shinx and Kriketot (left to right)
Shieldon is well on its way to being finished; we’ve reached patrat’s eyes (who had hardly showed up before LOL) Shellos was very difficult, it’s mounth wasn’t good on the pattern so I had to change three or four rows to get him smiling properly ;D Difficult, but worth it. Pansage is also a newcomer, and we have lots of Grimer and Seel happening, which I’m thrilled about XD
We also have some new arrivals: The yellow blotch behind Patrat’s tail is Blaziken, who will take time to make his proper arrival, but at least we already have a piece of him. Then Chingling, Drifloon, Farfetch’d and a little speck of Bellosom behind Seel’s tail.
Number of pokemon finished: 34!! Woo!
New picture!! ^-^ I now have 135 rows, but 10 more pokemon are finished, so i thought it was time for a snap!!
Newly finished pokemon(from left to right): Drowzee (at least the part that is on this side of the pattern but as it’s more than 50% of him, it counts ^-^) Shieldon, Patrat, Magnemite, Chingling, Drifloon, Shellos, Pansage, Grimer and Seel!! Woot woot, nice little row we got there ^-^
New arrivals are (again, left to right) Mareep; Gastly, Tranquill (you can only see the pink feet ^-^) Hoppip, Slowpoke (pink behind Farfetch’d) Ponyta (bright yellow above Pansage) and Graveler
In the previous update I had a sneak peak of both Blaziken and Bellossom but a lot more of them has come into view, and I’m loving it :D And Farfetch’d is nearly finished!! Love his cute orange beaky LOL
Total number of pokemon finished: 44 :) only 605 to go :P
First post of 2017!!! With moving into our new house, it’s been really hectic, but I always try to make time for crochet :D I made a lot of progress again on my Pokemon piece ^-^ 161 rows finished!!
Pokemon finished: Mareep, Gastly, Hoppip, Farfetch’d, Graveler and Bellosom :D
New arrivals: Lickytung (pink above mareep) Gothita (black/white above mareep) trubbish (green/white above Gastly), Audino (pink/yellow above Blaziken) Silcoon, Hitmonchan (brown above Slowpoke), Masquerian and Sudowoodo.
I made a lot of progress on Tranquill ^-^ Blaziken, Slowpoke, and Ponyta are nearly finished, and I even have a tiny claw that belongs to Noctowl, next to sudowoodo LOL
Total number of pokemon finished: 50!!! :D
Well, I know it’s been a long time, but here’s the next update. It’s a lot of work to do one row, but I got a total of 185 rows finished so far :D
Pokemon finished : (left to right) Gothita, Trubbish, Tranquill, Audino, Silcoon, and Sudowoodo.
New arrivals : (left to right) A tiny spec of Spiritomb, Yanma, Tirtuga, Solosis, Cubone, Koffing and the leg of Sawk.
I made a lot of progress on Hitmonchan, Masquerian, Noctowl and Timburr and I nearly finished the first half of Lickytung, but the second half will only be visible when I finishe the second part of the blanket :D
So total number of pokemon finished: 56!!
Pokemon Finished : Lickitung (At least partly, the next part will have to wait until the second part of the blanket) Yanma, Tirtouga, Solosis, Cubone, Hitmonchan, Koffing (except for his last bit of gas cloud, but well), Masquerian and Timburr
New Arrivals : Troh (black and white above Yanma), Wobbuffet, a tiny bit of Skity (pink around Wobbuffet’s tail) Nosepass, Unknown, Misdreavous, Servine, and Bonsly
I made a lot of progress on Noctowl, but apart from that it’s they are all new to the scene :) The rows are taking a lot of time and it’s hard to combine this project with others, but I love working on it so that’s the important part
Total number of pokemon finished : 65
It has been forever !!! Sadly this piece has been put aside for a while but start of 2019 i picked it up agzin 
progress is slow but this is what i have done so far :
Pokemon finished : ( left to right) Spiritomb, Troh, Wobbuffet, Nosepass, Unknown, Misdreavous, Sawk, Noctowl and Bonsley.
New arrivals: Nidorino, Metapod, Riolu, Bayleef, Ampharos, Ivysaur and Mightyena.
I made a lot of progress on Skitty, Ninjask and, Sewaddle, who are all almost finished 

Total number of finished Pokemon 74
The second half of my Pokemon all generations piece
this part is 500 stitches wide and will be 500 high eventually but now i am on row 10. From left to right: Rattata Pachirisu Croagunk Pikachu Meowth Polywhirl Seadot Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle Chicorita Cyndaquill Totodile Treecko Torchic Mudkip Turtwig Chimchar and Piplup
I am making the second half to join with the first half and then continue the rest of the pattern in one piece