Knitting a new hap, aiming for a smaller size this time. Planning to use it as a baptismal gift for a friend’s baby girl. Using yarn left over from Mills and Casual colorblock, and supplemented with one skein each of Cinnamon and Damask.
Started out with:
Camel: 120
Sweet pea: 50
Cinnamon: 50 gr
Damask: 50 gr
Riggie square:
Cast on 1 sts, 4.5 mm needle
YO, k to end of row until there are 49 YO loops on each side.
YO, k1, k3tog, k to end of row until 1 sts remains.
Auld shale border:
With camel yarn, pick up YOs with 5 mm needles. 196 sts. Place a stitch marker in every corner. Switch to cinnamon, knit 1 round.
Knit auld shell border from chart, and increase with YOs in the corners every odd numbered row.
Total of 19 repeats - 500 sts (125 sts on each side)
Cinnamon - 3 purl rounds
Damask - 3 purl rounds
Sweet pea - 3 purl rounds
centre purl round - Sweet pea, with camel before and after
Sweet pea - 3 purl rounds
Damask - 3 purl rounds
Cinnamon - 3 purl rounds
As the baptism was fast approaching I realized I didn’t have time to knit a lace border as I originally planned. Instead I made a simple edge in Camel:
K one round
P one round
YO, k2tog one round
P one round
Cast off loosely.