2024 Yarn Totals:
48 Stylecraft Special DK
41 Paintbox Simply DK
14 Hayfield Bonus DK
103 x 100 gms used
108 x 100 gms purchased
I didn’t do too badly this year, only buying 500 gms more than I used, considering that I bought several colours to make picture knits for my grandchildren that I didn’t get to make as I wasn’t well enough to use the knitting machine. I hope to rectify that this year.
I also have a new granddaughter due in May to knit and crochet for, so a lot of pink yarn will be used for that.
2023 Yarn Totals:
71 Stylecraft Special DK
24 Paintbox Simply DK
8 Hayfield Bonus DK
2 Snugly Crofter DK
2 Woolcraft New Fashion DK
5 Deramores DK
3 Bravo Burcu
1 Sheena Anne
116 x used
138 x purchased
This year I bought 22 more balls than I used. I don’t seem to have been as productive this year, although I did make several machine knitted sweaters for my grands.
I haven’t made many of my beloved granny blankets this year, although several baby blankets have been made and gifted.
Only one baby on the horizon for 2024 so far, so baby blankets will not feature much I don’t think.
Happy New Year.
2022 Yarn Totals:
59 Stylecraft Special DK
7 Stylecraft 4 Ply
40 Paintbox Simply DK
3 Hayfield Bonus Baby
4 James C Brett 4 Ply
2 Lion Brand Mandala
14 Hayfield Bonus DK
2 Woolcraft DK
1 Top Value DK
1 Simply Soft DK
5 Shimmer DK
1 Yarnfair DK
1 King Cole DK
141 x 100 gms used
100 x 100 gms purchased
Another good year using up yarn I have, I used 41 more than I purchased, so that’s good.
I have been blessed with another grandson this year. Eddie was born to my youngest daughter and her husband in November He is adorable and brings the total of grandchildren to 7. 5 boys and 2 girls. I am a very happy Nana indeed.
2021 Yarn Totals:
79 Stylecraft Special D.K.
18 Paintbox Simply D.K.
4 James C. Brett Top Value
13 Hayfield Bonus D.K.
4 Woolcraft New Fashion
3 King Cole D.K.
121 x 100gms balls used
78 x 100 gms purchased
I really don’t know where 2021 went. I managed to use up 43 more 100 gm balls than I bought, so that is an achievement.
I thought I had bought a lot more than I actually did, so I don’t need to feel guilty 
Still on the quest to use up the unwanted stash yarn accumulated by my daughter Libby and I. I should manage that this year, she says, fingers crossed.
My youngest daughter Susie got married to Luke in October. Which was a very happy time for our family.
Here’s hoping 2022 will be a better year for the world.
Happy New Year everyone. x
2020 Yarn Totals:
125 Stylecraft Special D.K. & Aran
17 Woolcraft New Fashion
6 King Cole D.K.
12 Hayfield Bonus D.K.
7 Vanna’s Choice
3 Cygnet D.K.
1 Robin D.K.
8 Assorted
217 x 100gm balls used
250 x 100gm balls purchased
I have bought more yarn this year than I have used.
I have 33 more balls than I started with at the beginning of 2020. It’s not been a good year to say the least and I did have a ‘panic purchase’ at the beginning of lock-down, so I suppose that accounts for it.
On the plus side I do have a brand new Grandson Lenny. He joins his 2 brothers and sister and his 2 cousins. Making a total of 6 grandchildren. I’m a very lucky Nana indeed. Lets hope 2021 will be a better year for us all.
2019 Yarn Totals:
92 Stylecraft Special D.K. & Aran
21 Hayfield Bonus
35 Woolcraft New Fashion
6 James C. Brett Top Value
20 Paintbox Simply D.K.
18 Robin D.K. & Aran
13 Sheena Ann Aran
7 Vanna’s Choice
3 King Cole D.K.
6 Bravo Burcu
2 Red Heart Super Saver
223 x 100gm balls used
128 x 100gm balls purchased
Reduced stash by 95 balls
A great achievement. Hope I can do as well in 2020.
2018 Yarn Totals:
100 x 100gms Stylecraft Special D.K.
11 x 100gms James C. Brett Top Value D.K.
51 x 100gms Woolcraft New Fashion D.K.
25 x 100gms Hayfield Bonus D.K.
13 x 100gms Assorted = 200 x 100gms
I bought around 170 x 100 gms, so I have reduced my stash by 30 x 100 gms = 3,000.00 gms,
I can’t believe I used just 4 more 100gm ball of yarn in 2018. I suppose it shows that I am consistent with my crochet consumption.
During 2018 I made 13 blankets from stash yarn belonging to myself and my daughter Libby which totalled around 1,041.00 gms
I hope to reduce the unwanted stash yarn down even further in 2019.
These are all of the ball bands from the yarn I used in 2017
Stylecraft Special D.K. 131 x 100gms
Stylecraft Special Aran 14 x 100gms
Vanna’s Choice 7 x 100gms
Red Heart Super Saver 2 x 200gms
New Fashion D.K. 3 x 100gms
Bravo Burcu Aran 15 x 100gms
Cygnet Aran 2 x 100gms
Robin D.K. 1 x 100gms
King Cole D.K. 1 x 100gms
Sheena Anne Aran 2 x 400gms
Sirdar/Hayfield Bonus D.K. 10 x 200gms
Grand Total: 196 x 100gms
I bought 188 x 100gm balls on-line, so I have reduced my stash by the grand total of 800 gms!!!
I do hope to do better in 2018. My daughter Libby and I have pulled out all of the yarn that we don’t want to use and have separated it into several blanket/throw size quantities to make for charity.