Magic Fairy Tale Slippers
November 15, 2013
November 22, 2013

Magic Fairy Tale Slippers

Project info
Felted Clogs (AC33e) by Bev Galeskas
Feet / LegsSlippers
Jeanne's birthday
Needles & yarn
Nashua Handknits Julia
Stonehedge Fiber Mill Shepherd's Wool Worsted

These were inspired by my friend’s beautiful applique. I made the size 8 and they felted more in the width than the length; they barely fit her size 7 feet. But they did fit and she was delighted.

Embellishment notes:

Because it’s difficult to the access the back of the fabric/inside of the clog, and for comfort reasons, all the thread starts and stops from the front/outside, i.e., there are no knots on the back/inside. I appliqued the leaves and petals first and left the center of the flower off so that I could start a lot of the embellishment from there. Once I put the center on, I felt that it still needed more. I was able to figure out how to start and stop from the front using the thickness of the felted wool and tiny little backstitches to anchor.

The leaves are cotton fabric and the flower is woven wool felt. There are a variety of threads, mostly cotton.

Yarn colors: Shepard’s Wool Blue Spruce, Lime, and Red. Julia Purple Basil.

Credit for the project name goes to the creative and erudite TrilliumSocks.

viewed 686 times | helped 4 people
November 15, 2013
November 22, 2013
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Nashua Handknits
50% Wool, 25% Alpaca, 25% Mohair
93 yards / 50 grams

1729 projects

stashed 1831 times

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About this yarn
by Stonehedge Fiber Mill
100% Merino
250 yards / 113 grams

23785 projects

stashed 15456 times

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  • Project created: November 24, 2013
  • Updated: November 24, 2013