Amanda 2013
November 30, 2013
December 12, 2013

Amanda 2013

Project info
Aidan's Hat by Ginger Luters
HatBeanie, Toque
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Caron Simply Soft Solids
315 yards in stash
Jo-Ann Fabric & Crafts in Tennessee
Loops & Threads Impeccable Ombre

gift for Amanda for Yule 2013.

Noted the errata online. for rows 7 & 8 in the repeating stripes/dots pattern.

12/10/13 I’ve been a bit puzzled when looking at other finished projects that some have the ‘dots’ part very distinct, while others are looking like mine does so far: little V shapes with dots over them. I’m about 60% through the knitting, and I’ve tried a couple of different changes on those rows 7 & 8, only to tink ‘em out and just do it as written. It’s pretty, but not dotty, ya know?
This morning, I think I hit up on something that’s gonna make them dots more dot-like. I’m changing row 8 to simply knit across. The resulting purl bumps on the right side is making the other color’s dots more distinct!

viewed 62 times | helped 1 person
November 30, 2013
December 12, 2013
About this pattern
26 projects, in 40 queues
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About this yarn
by Caron
100% Acrylic
315 yards / 170 grams

238638 projects

stashed 101391 times

MoonT's star rating
About this yarn
by Loops & Threads
100% Acrylic
192 yards / 100 grams

9537 projects

stashed 5826 times

MoonT's star rating
  • Originally queued: June 11, 2013
  • Project created: November 25, 2013
  • Finished: December 15, 2013
  • Updated: December 21, 2013
  • Progress updates: 4 updates