Element of H
December 26, 2012
January 16, 2013

Element of H

Project info
Hooks & yarn
 This is Hydrogen from my _Elements of HArMoNY_ set I'm making to donate to Anthrocon. By using the elements to spell the word, I'm not infringing on any copyright, plus it's full of additional geek humor! I have just under six months to get these done. Here's hoping I do, and don't end up with a pile of scarves I'll have to find a use for!

1/9/13 Somewhere between 1/2 and 3/4 finished on the first scarf. I fear these may be almost as long as the Doctor Who scarf when it’s all said and done. At least it’s only 18 stitches wide, and works up a lot faster than that would! All this black is boring, but I’m not exactly looking forward to changing colors every 3 rows with some of the others, either…

1/16/13 Done done done! Now I just have to weave in a few ends.

viewed 27 times
December 26, 2012
January 16, 2013
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: January 9, 2013
  • Updated: January 17, 2013
  • Progress updates: 3 updates