July 2, 2018
July 25, 2018


Project info
Kalani by Grace Fearon
Hooks & yarn
1.75 mm
Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co. America's Best Country Cotton Crochet Thread Size 10

Using up some of my America’s Best Country Cotton stash (“Light Lavender”). It’s more light-bodied and limp than my favorite threads, but I have a lot of it to use, and I think that for this pattern it will work pretty well.

Rnd 5: Putting front post stitches around those rnd-1 sc was simply not going to happen (thread too soft/fuzzy; sc too small and tightly spaced), so I’m trying to improvise a bit. Shortening the stitch to a fpdtr and placing them around the rnd-2 dc instead. Fingers crossed it works…

Ok, it seems to have worked. I did fudge things a bit in rnd 6 to compensate for my changes in rnd 5. (Used sections of 6 sc instead of 8 and put a sc into rnd 1 whenever I was down near it to kind of tack things in place and give a smoother finish, since my fpdtr aren’t as close together at the base as he fptrtr would’ve been.)

Rnd 23: I’m not 100% sure I’m putting my hook in the exact right place when making the “y-stitch”, but I think it’s right. It seems like one of those things that will at least be ok if you get it close-- especially if you are consistent and make it the same way every time.

Rnd 28: Hm. I think there’s a minor typo in this round. Where it says “round 26”, I think maybe it should be “round 27”. For one thing, working into round 26 is pretty awkward (and looks messy), for another, later in the round, when you come to the part that would mirror the “rnd 26” stitch, no specific round is mentioned at all, so it sounds like you should be working into rnd 27, as you normally would on rnd 28.

Looking at photos of the finished doily isn’t helping, this time. I think I’ll just do it that way and see if the next round makes sense…

(It did work out the way I tried it, so think that probably was a typo.)

Rnd 30: I was momentarily confused by the beginning of this round, because I wasn’t sure which stitch I should use to start my “beginning FP-dc2tog”. Long story short, you should use the entire fp-dc2tog from the previous round. You’ll be using each one of those 8 fp-dc2tog twice in the course of this round.

Once you get past the central octagonal “medallion”, the pattern is easy to pick up and memorize, round by round-- especially since most of it doesn’t change at all until the very last round.

Though I’m not usually a huge fan of making lots of bp stitches, I really enjoyed crocheting this doily. The trickiest bit is the “flower” in the very center. The bulk of the doily is pretty relaxing to stitch, and it’s oddly satisfying to see that strong, leafy texture emerge from nothing more complicated than fp and bp stitches!

Really liked making this one!

I think I needed less thread than expected. Barely made a dent in the second ball, so there’s plenty for a smaller doily with the leftovers.

This thread worked out better for this doily than I expected (good news since there’s a lot of this thread in my stash). It shows the texture very well, I think. I’m happy with the results!

viewed 29 times
July 2, 2018
July 25, 2018
About this pattern
12 projects, in 24 queues
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About this yarn
by Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co.
Thread, size 10
100% Cotton

480 projects

stashed 324 times

MossyOwls' star rating
  • Originally queued: June 5, 2018
  • Project created: July 2, 2018
  • Updated: September 6, 2018
  • Progress updates: 3 updates