DK Socks
September 15, 2013
October 18, 2013

DK Socks

Project info
Extreme 2-in-1 Socks by Kory Stamper
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Self/Practice For DK Socks
Needles & yarn

I am using this particular set of instructions to make the Susan B. Anderson socks, so they will update each other!

9/15: I did it! I cast on 64 stitches of each color. Now to join them and get to making the ribbing. 8-\ Wish me luck!

9/28: I got them joined, but had to use a different method. This method uses Kate Atherley’s method of first casting on one color and then joining and knitting a round. Using an extra needle, you then cast on the same number on the spare needle. Holding them together as if to do a 3-needle bind off, you then slip one stitch of the first color, then knit the stitch of the second color from the spare needle. Repeat doing this until you remove all of the second color stitches from the spare needle.

This method automatically joins the second set of stitches in the round when you knit the next row. It’s wonderful.

I’ve finished the ribbing, the leg, and nearly done turning the heel. It took a bit of figuring on the heel, and a couple of different resources, but I’ve nearly finished it and there are still 2 separate socks. I’m using a short row method for the heel turn.

Resources: Knitty, Fall 2006 (link above), Classes, Magic Socks

10/13 - I finished the first pair about a week ago. Since I knit the first “pair” in two different colors as a practice set, I have to knit another set so I have matching socks. My next pair will be matching, that way I really am doing two at a time. The good part is that I’ve only knit the sets twice, but I have four socks!

On this set I decided to go with the Knitty version and knit both sets. To do this, You just move the yarn in front back to knit and forward again to knit the back yarn and keep from crossing them. It doesn’t seem to take any more time. In the first pair I had serious issues with laddering on the front purl sock and my heels had some rather large holes in the gussets from the short rows. I tried all kinds of tricks, but nothing worked. By knitting each sock, though, I’ve eliminated both the laddering and the gusset holes. For the gussets, I just picked up a couple of extra stitches where the holes would be and knit them together with the next foot stitch.

I’m on the foot part of the second set and they’re coming along nicely. I think they look better this way.

viewed 43 times | helped 1 person
September 15, 2013
October 18, 2013
About this pattern
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  • Originally queued: September 14, 2013
  • Project created: September 15, 2013
  • Finished: October 18, 2013
  • Updated: January 9, 2014
  • Progress updates: 2 updates