Lucid Dream Blanket
May 17, 2014
August 18, 2015

Lucid Dream Blanket

Project info
Amethyst Brook Afghan by Sara Delaney
Queen sized bed
Hooks & yarn
6.0 mm (J)
Caron Simply Soft Solids
Hobby Lobby I Love This Yarn! Solids
Lion Brand Vanna's Choice

In a lucid dream, the dreamer has greater chances to exert some degree of control over their participation within the dream or be able to manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dreams can be realistic and vivid.

05.17.14 - Tried one motif today using the standing dc stitch instead of a ch 3. I like this MUCH better.

05.18.14 - watched the joining video probably 6 times trying to wrap my head around it. I think I have it now, the video was a huge help. The join on this blanket is different than the first time I made this blanket. Only about 15 hexes in at this point. I can’t really focus on this blanket right now, so I know it will take a bit longer to make than the first one. Just wanted to get it started so I would want to finish this…at least before the fall because I won’t be able to work on a project this size then. And hopefully, It’ll be ready to use on those cool nights.

06.26.14 - Going at a snail’s pace with this blanket. Just finished working on a yarn bomb Project for Tour de Loo last week, so now I can try to get some progress going on this before the fall season approaches. I don’t usually have the luxury of working on something so large for myself. I am close to finishing panel 3 at this point. Will try to get to at least panel 5 by the end of the weekend…we’ll see.

06.30.14 - Didn’t get to panel 5, barely began panel 4. This is going to be a slow process.

09.16.14 - This blanket is taking forever, only because I’m really not working on it like I should. I think I’m on panel 10 at this point, but now the fall is approaching so I’m trying to create stock for my Etsy shop and to sell at the craft shows. I hope to have it done before the end of the year though so I can get some use of it and may sacrifice a day or two of working on inventory to push this project along.

10.06.14 - Wasn’t feeling good last Thursday and Friday and took the days off work. Worked a little more on this blanket. This weekend the weather got cool and I had to use another quilt on my bed for the first time this season, so I am really wanting to finish this, but can’t really devote the time needed to this. I left off on panel 12.

08.05.15 - Man! This project has been hibernating! I’ve gone through a difficult time in my life and will be in a different place in my life completing this project than I was when I started this project…but ultimately in a better place and moving in the right direction. Life can leave you disappointed and broken at times, but I’m still here and looking forward to a more positive future. Spent a lot of time this past weekend (and took the day off this past Monday) working on this project. I am just realizing that I have 21 panels, so I am closing in on the last of the hexagons, I’m on panel 18 now. Hoping to have this finished before the end of the month, so I will actually be able to use it as the seasons change and fall/winter approaches.

08.13.15 - Closing in on the finish line! I’m 9 hexagons in on panel number 20 as of last night. Hoping to have all the hexagons finished by the end of the weekend. If I am really ambitious, this blanket will be completed by the end of the weekend as well (all half hexagons done and border done). I need to start on fall/winter crocheting, so the sooner this is done the better. So glad I started this project FOR MYSELF…this blanket is amazing, and I’m eager to curl up in it once the weather starts to change!

08.17.15 - Nearly done! I was just so tired last night that I left the rest of the border to finish up when I get off work today. All the hexagons are completed and attached and I am finishing up the border. With the exception of filling in the sides by progression, the border will be single crochet all around. I really like the way it finishes this blanket. I am planning to try to do 5 rounds, but if I have enough brown yarn left, I’ll make it 6. I started a new skein of brown and it’s about half way used already with about 4 rounds done. So glad to be finishing this up! And that I get to keep it!

08.18.15 - FINISHED!!! Wooo hooo!!! Got it done at right about 10:30 tonight. Did 4 rounds of single crochet, would have liked to do another round, but wasn’t sure if I had enough of the brown to finish and didn’t want to make the attempt only to be a few yards short of the end. I do like the way it looks and don’t think I’ll go back and add any more rows. Just need to take a few pics of the completed blanket and looking forward to using this as it gets cooler. It fits nicely over a queen sized bed, even a king sized underneath a bedspread for extra warmth, which is how I will most likely use it.

viewed 124 times | helped 2 people
May 17, 2014
August 18, 2015
About this pattern
42 projects, in 108 queues
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About this yarn
by Caron
100% Acrylic
315 yards / 170 grams

238832 projects

stashed 101581 times

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About this yarn
by Lion Brand
100% Acrylic
170 yards / 100 grams

161877 projects

stashed 60077 times

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About this yarn
by Hobby Lobby
100% Acrylic
355 yards / 199 grams

106703 projects

stashed 30747 times

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  • Project created: May 18, 2014
  • Finished: August 10, 2016
  • Updated: March 28, 2017
  • Progress updates: 8 updates