Please Note
The amount of yarn shown as used is not an accurate representation. I based my amounts off what was left in each skein for the sake of stash accuracy. As almost every skein was over 100 grams, you should add a minimum of 15 grams to better calculate usage.
2/15/2014 - Done! Pictures and all (I know, I know… I dragged my ottoman into the back yard). A touch over exposed, but I couldn’t get it just right and I’m not going to count on another dice day anytime soon. :)
When I began this project, I was fairly new to crochet and very new to seaming anything. I fully anticipate having to resew some pieces in the future. My tension also changed over the year and a half I made squares, so the idea that they would all fit perfectly (even with individual blocking) is not something I held to when I finished sewing up the last section.
After adding the border, I decided to soak and block the whole blanket. I gave it some leeway in the blocking, letting be who it was (more or less). Most of the squares are rectangles and some spiral about a tad, but that is okay.
I’ve pondered whether my decision to add individual borders and striped sections was a good one. Happily, I feel that it did exactly what I intended. It gave me a slightly larger blanket, with slightly a different look. Perhaps, in the future, I will make another the traditional way.
2/10/2014 - All sewn together and working on the border now… endless, evil border… Can’t wait to mark this one as finished. :)
01/24/2014 - I finally decided it is time to finish this thing. Because of my desire to add borders to the individual panels, the panels themselves are not even anymore. It’s the kind of thing you’d think I’d have anticipated, but didn’t. As I am too stubborn to abandon my idea (or frog so many borders), I’ve decided to add a section of stripes to any of the panes that are too short. My blanket is getting less and less Babette-ish the closer I get to finishing. :)
06/01/13 - And the meandering continues. I’m down to 4 fours and 2 sixes. I’ve put off finishing them for a few weeks until we move out of our temporary housing situation and into the house we bought. There’s no good place to block here and my experimentation with sewing before blocking the individuals is going to take some serious fudging to fit in as it is. I’m still considering adding another panel, but I think I’ll have to wait till it’s all together to decide. That is a lot more sewing and squares and I just don’t know if I have to fortitude for it. :)
10/02/12 - Still chugging along. I got the center 3 sections completed, bordered, and sewn together. I think I like the borders. It adds to it without being too obtrusive…
08/12/12 - Finished all of the 8, 10, and 12 rounders. That leaves a lion’s share of the 6’s and 4’s, but it’s still progress. I got my first panel trimmed in Edison Bulb and decided to add another row of Gossamer after that. Though I won’t do that until I’m ready to it all together. My pictures this round are a little off colored, but the natural light wasn’t good enough. I should know better than to take pictures at 6 pm.
07/31/12 - I have the first panel complete and blocked (again). Now, I’m debating something. I think I’m going to edge each large panel with Edison Bulb. I was originally going to use my A color, but that conflicted with the squares that used the same color on the outer edge. Then I was going to get a different gray, but I think I will still have the over-blending issue. So I went with the brightest think I could find. :)
I haven’t touched this of about a week, I should probably get to it.
07/03/12 - I finally received the rest of my yarn and started in on the first panel. I absolutely love how the colors are coming together. There isn’t quite as much grey as I would have liked, but it still looks good.
I have almost all of my twos done, but decided to make the rest panel by panel. I’m gently blocking the individual pieces, then the sewn clusters. I’ll block the individual panels and the final piece when the time comes. Each time helps to even out the inconsistencies. Sewing the pieces isn’t that bad, though the corners can throw me off sometimes. My biggest issue is weaving the sewing ends in, I hate that they are visible. But as long as they in place, I wan’t mind.
06/24/12 - Still waiting for my Chartreuse and Pop Rocks to get here from Australia, but I’ve gotten all the 2 rounders that don’t use them done. Time to move on to the 4 rounders. It’s actually moving fairly quickly. I’ve been playing with some extra squares, trying to figure out how I want to stitch them together. The mattress stitch looks best, but whip stitching is so much faster! And then it between both loops or back loops only… Decisions, decisions…
06/19/12 - Even though two colors are still in transit, I started making my 2 round squares last night. After reading through a lot of the comments, I decided to go with an E hook on them. I made a 4 round square to test with the F hook and I like how they fit.
I’m really loving how the colors are working together. Though the real test will be the larger pieces…
06/16/12 - This was one of the first projects that I was drawn to when I started crocheting. I wanted to use a nice yarn for it, but finances didn’t allow that. So, I shelved the idea. Just recently, I had a little extra money and insatiable itch… I’ve come to love tosh merino light, far more than KPM. Thus that was my yarn of choice. Four days and roughly $350 later, I have all my yarn either in my possession or in transit. Two of my colors are even making a trip from the other side of the world. :)
The cost itself is enough to make me want to curl up in the corner and suck my thumb, but I keep telling myself that I will still have quite a bit of yarn left when I’m done. Probably enough to make a second smaller one.
I went with super brights, a few jewels and gray neutrals. I worked some squares up with various hook sizes and decided I liked the looseness and drape of the F hook. I think if it were for a baby or child, I’d go with a tighter stitch.
I actually bought a yarn winder specifically for this project. It’s cheap and, lacking a swift, rather annoying at times. But it beats hand winding any day. :)