no date set
March 15, 2018


Project info
Filigreen by Nim Teasdale
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
619 yards = 1.77 skeins
Rosy Green Wool Cheeky Merino Joy
24 yards in stash
0.95 skeins = 332.5 yards (304.0 meters), 95 grams
Rosy Green Wool Cheeky Merino Joy
in stash
0.82 skeins = 287.0 yards (262.4 meters), 82 grams

Something I’ve been wanting to try for a while. It looks a bit like lace, but isn’t, and also looks a bit like brioche, but isn’t. :)

Used 82g Moss, 95g berry.
177.7 total

(~17g rem end r8, 8g before bo)

Meas: 63(25)x150(60in)

Starting with:

Blackberry 98.5
Moss 83.6
86.1/67.7berry/moss end 5th, start offset chart.
73.3/55.7 berry/moss end 1x offset chart.
64.4/40.05 end 2 straight charts, starting offset.
(Weighs above are without label)

From Wikipedia: ‘Filigree (also less commonly spelled filagree, and formerly written filigrann or filigrene)citation needed is a delicate kind of jewellery metalwork, usually of gold and silver, made with tiny beads or twisted threads, or both in combination, soldered together or to the surface of an object of the same metal and arranged in artistic motifs. It often suggests lace’…
’The English word filigree is shortened from the earlier use of filigreen which derives from Latin “filum” meaning thread and “granum” grain, in the sense of small bead. The Latin words gave filigrana in Italian which itself became filigrane in 17th-century French.’

Blackberry 98.5 (+2.6label) Garter/base colour
Moss 83.6 Stockinette/slip/cable colour

88.7/67.7berry/moss end 5th, start offset chart.
78.9(wlabel)berry/55.7 moss end chart.
64.4/40.05 end 2 straight charts, starting offset edging
(24.5-22.2 =2.3g used for WS r22)
22.2/50.0 Moss/berry, end first edging offset chart.
19.0 end r2 of 2nd offset repeat. (3.2g used in 1 ridge.)
15.4/46.9 end r6 2nd rep
12.45/44.8 end r10
9.45/43.05 end r14
6.10/40.55end r18
2.7/38.15 end r22
35.6 end 2nd offset/starting lace
26.35 end r4
16.45 end r 8
10.3 end r 10
7.1before BO, 2.7rem after
177.7 total
(~17g end r8, 8g before bo?)
Meas: 63(25)x150(60in)

viewed 347 times | helped 2 people
no date set
March 15, 2018
About this pattern
23 projects, in 63 queues
NimbleNim's overall rating
NimbleNim's clarity rating
NimbleNim's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Rosy Green Wool
100% Merino
350 yards / 100 grams

9631 projects

stashed 8690 times

NimbleNim's star rating
  • Project created: February 25, 2018
  • Finished: May 3, 2018
  • Updated: November 25, 2018
  • Progress updates: 2 updates