September 2, 2017
September 15, 2017


Project info
Integrate by Nim Teasdale
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
486 yards
49.2 yards (45.0 meters)
TWF Olive Medley
437.4 yards (400.0 meters)
Olive Medley

Another brainless knit to keep my hands occupied during homework/car travel/slide shows.. :)

The pet theory here is that any two colours, as different as you like, can become integrated harmoniously if worked together closely enough.

Using fingering weight held double because it’s freezing here and I like the idea of a nice chunky thing. And to help even out my spinning, which was spun for the joy of spinning, rather than because I have any particular skill. Which is probably evident..

Changed my mind mid project as after working with the Canyonlands for a while, I decided I wanted to see how it looked in a different sort of project. (See Canyonlands.)

Instead I’m using the Olive Medley held single and striped against itself to break up any long colour runs.

45g rem when starting rust.
20g total (inc both colours) in 15 ridges.
26g before bo, 4g in BO, 22 rem.
111 total - 100g Medley, 11g rust.

Starting with:
127g blue/green, 500m approx.

Measures: approx 165x40cm

It’s possible to start chart 2 on any row if you wish. Match the remnant sts on your needle (multiple of 8 + x), and begin on any row that matches this. Any even numbered st count will fit as is. For odd numbered remnants, work even numbered row below your matching row (in other words, mentally subtract 1 from your st count) and omit the kfb.

viewed 355 times | helped 4 people
September 2, 2017
September 15, 2017
About this pattern
12 projects, in 46 queues
NimbleNim's overall rating
NimbleNim's clarity rating
NimbleNim's difficulty rating
  • Project created: September 4, 2017
  • Finished: March 28, 2018
  • Updated: June 15, 2019
  • Progress updates: 2 updates