Take * me * to * the * Stars
July 13, 2014
September 1, 2014

Take * me * to * the * Stars

Project info
Celestarium by Audry Nicklin
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Nimruse on ravelry
One Size
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1,018 yards
Nerd Girl Yarns w00t
0.41 skeins = 283.1 yards (258.9 meters), 34 grams
Nerd Girl Yarns
Pandia's Jewels Hand Dyed Yarn Wispy
0.49 skeins = 428.8 yards (392.0 meters), 49 grams
Pandia’s Jewels
Pandia's Jewels Hand Dyed Yarn Wispy
0.35 skeins = 306.3 yards (280.0 meters), 35 grams
Pandia’s Jewels

This will be one of the most ambitious projects that I have done to date. I have read the pattern several times and if I just take it slow and steady I should have something beautiful.


  • Will use a bicone Swarovski crystal as the North Star.
  • Stars will be Miyuki Triangle- color Steel c-lined tri glass beads.

Plan to use the lighter blue in the center and then use the darker blue at the edge. I know the sky gets brighter towards the horizon but IDK if I can have the colors go from dark to light. I will have to think about this further.

Decided I will start with light and work to dark. I may also add a 3rd color just for the boarder. Have to see when I get to that part.

<big><big>Project Notes

Haven’t even started and I am already trying to figure out which boarder I want to use. It is a toss up between using the Evenstar Boarder or if I will follow Ladymac111’s boarder instructions.

7/13: It’s a little fiddly to begin knitting at first. Part of that was I could only find my 8” long size 4 DPN’s. But I took my time. Finished Charts A & B. As the charts get longer I may add a st marker every 10 sts so I don’t have to count every row.

7/14: Finished Chart C. Now things are getting interesting. Decided I am going to have to highlight rows that I have completed so I can keep track of where I am since Section D is broken into 2 charts.

7/15: Half way through D charts I remembered I had 16” size 4 circs. Yeah! No more DPN’s at this point.

Finished D charts. E charts are broken up into 4 sections. Not only will I continue to have st markers every 10 sts but I have placed 3 additional markers to mark the end of each of the E charts. Seems like a lot of st markers but it helps with the counting. This way I don’t have to count every single st.

7/23: I am half way done with D charts. Would have had more progress at this point if I worked on this more.

7/30: Finished all of E Charts and am setting up the F charts the same as I did for E charts. I will switch colors here and move to the darker blue. I am also contemplating adding a TARDIS somewhere in these charts like lizapest has done. Have also decided to use the Evenstar Boarder. Why not cross as many fandoms as possible in the stars. I am also going switch up to a larger pair of circs.

8/11: Finally have half of my Tardis done and I am about 1/3 of the way through F Charts. Also decided to add a 3rd color for the boarder.

8/19: Finished the last of the charts and did the 2 extra rows of knitting as instructed. I am now switching over to another color and will begin the Evenstar Boarder.

8/26: half way done with boarder. I am seriously ready for this shawl to be done.

9/1: finally finished!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! There are a few mistakes when knitting the boarder but I can live with that :D

9/2: I thought it would be easy to block a circular shawl. In reality- not so much. After pinning and re-pinning for almost an hour I gave up. I have circle with some wibbly wobbly spots and I’m totally ok with that.

viewed 623 times | helped 6 people
July 13, 2014
September 1, 2014
About this pattern
1769 projects, in 3871 queues
Nimruse's overall rating
Nimruse's clarity rating
Nimruse's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Nerd Girl Yarns
100% Merino
922 yards / 100 grams

112 projects

stashed 199 times

Nimruse's star rating
About this yarn
by Pandia's Jewels Hand Dyed Yarn
100% Merino
931 yards / 100 grams

25 projects

stashed 38 times

Nimruse's star rating
  • Originally queued: July 20, 2013
  • Project created: July 13, 2014
  • Finished: September 3, 2014
  • Updated: September 15, 2014
  • Progress updates: 8 updates