Selbu Rebellion
February 1, 2014
February 25, 2014

Selbu Rebellion

Project info
Selbu Rebellion by Nina Figenschau
Ninapetrina on ravelry
Needles & yarn
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
2,164 yards
Kauni Wool 8/2 Effektgarn
1.5 skeins = 984.0 yards (899.8 meters), 225 grams
Kauni Wool 8/2 Solids
1.8 skeins = 1180.8 yards (1079.7 meters), 270 grams

Februar (2014) var regnbuemåneden! Jakken er strikket rundt, fra toppen og ned i forbindelse med en regnbue KAL på initiativ fra pinneguri. Laget mønster i samme farta.

Laget en instruksjonsvideo og bildeserie til hvordan man klipper opp strikkejakker da jeg klippet opp denne. Du finner den i bloggen min her

Om garnet:
Kauni EQ lekker endel farge ved første vask, men det så ikke ut til å feste seg i det hvite. Kauni AA (naturhvit) var full av lanolin og luktet sau. Da jeg vasket jakka første gang luktet det sauefjøs på vaskerommet og vannet ble mørkegrått! Men jakka ble myye mykere etter vask!

February is the month for rainbows! I am making the pattern as I go, and plan to make the pattern available here at Ravelry in both norwegian and english in a couple of months time. It is knitted from the top down.

My comments on the yarn.
Kauni EQ bleeds quite alot of dye during the first wash. But the coloured parts of the cardigan did not seem to fade noticeably and the white remained white. Kauni AA was full of natural oils from the wool. My laundry room smelt like a barn full of sheep and the water turned grey. But the first wash softened up the wool alot!

viewed 670 times | helped 1 person
February 1, 2014
February 25, 2014
About this pattern
9 projects, in 28 queues
Ninapetrina's overall rating
Ninapetrina's clarity rating
Ninapetrina's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Kauni
100% Wool
656 yards / 150 grams

20759 projects

stashed 14402 times

Ninapetrina's star rating
About this yarn
by Kauni
100% Wool
656 yards / 150 grams

4804 projects

stashed 3413 times

Ninapetrina's star rating
  • Project created: February 5, 2014
  • Finished: February 25, 2014
  • Updated: March 26, 2015
  • Progress updates: 7 updates