Black Asphyxiation
April 12, 2015
April 19, 2015

Black Asphyxiation

Project info
Asphyxiation by Disorder Knits
Hooks & yarn
2.0 mm
Lammy Yarns Coton Crochet 10
De Hobbydoos

My first (and probably not last) thread crochet pattern. This is just the Venetian squares (4x), I love it so much like this, I didn’t want to add a flower. It’s blocking currently, after which I’ll lace it up and wear it tomorrow, hopefully I can take better pictures then.

The pattern is quick and easy and this is a great light project to work on while travelling. I took it to work all week last week and almost completely finished it during my commute.

I have a feeling this pattern would look great with seed beads added the picots… Might have to try that out if I make another. Maybe red beads and black thread?

ETA: So I wore it, and it stretched out a bit. To the point it’s no longer tight…. Maybe I should try washing it and stiffening it somehow? Liquid glue? Stitching it onto a broad ribbon?

viewed 78 times | helped 1 person
April 12, 2015
April 19, 2015
About this pattern
227 projects, in 704 queues
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About this yarn
by Lammy Yarns
Thread, size 10
100% Cotton
306 yards / 50 grams

259 projects

stashed 118 times

NoeskaS's star rating
  • Project created: April 12, 2015
  • Finished: April 19, 2015
  • Updated: April 21, 2015