Pattern notes:
CO 32 sts. 1x1 rib for approximately 14 rows.
Thumb gusset:
From beginning of round, p1, k3, p1, (this is the thumb gusset) work rest of the round in preferred stitch pattern (I used woven stitch, pattern below). Increase 1 st at each end of thumb gusset (between the two outermost knit stitches) every two rounds until you have 15 knit stitches and 2 purl stitches in thumb gusset. Non-increase rows are worked in pattern. After increases are done, keep working in pattern until glove is long enough to reach the part where thumb separates from rest of the hand. Place all thumb gusset knit stitches on a holder (keep purl stitches on needles), cast on 3-4 stitches (however many you need to keep your stitch pattern working) between the purl stitches to compensate for lost stitches. Work your preferred stitch pattern across those two purl stitches too. Keep working in pattern until glove reaches the height where your little finger separates from rest of the hand.
Little finger:
Use 8 sts from around little finger, and cast on four stitches between the fingers, and work in round in preferred pattern (I used stockinette here). Keep knitting until the “tube” just reaches the tip of the finger, then k2tog across, cut yarn, pull the tail through all the loops.
Few more rounds before next fingers:
Pick up and knit four stitches where you cast on extra stitches for little finger. Keep working the rest of the stitches across the back and palm of the hand in pattern. Work in pattern for two more rounds.
Rest of the fingers:
Use 12 sts around the next finger up from pinky, and cast on 4 sts between the fingers. Work in round, on first row, decrease 4 sts evenly across the round. Keep working in round until you reach fingertip, k2tog across the round, cut yarn, pull yarn through live sts.
For next finger, pick up and knit 4 sts at where you previously cast on stitches, use 4 sts from each side of the next finger, and cast on 4 sts between fingers. Work in round, decrease 4 sts on first round, work until you reach fingertip, k2tog across, pull yarn through loops.
For index finger, pick up 4 sts where stitches were previously cast on, use remaining stitches. Don’t decrease unless you’ve got more than 12 sts on needles. Work in round until you reach fingertip, k2tog across, pull yarn through loops.
Place held stitches on needles, pick up 3-4 sts where stitches were cast on. Work in round in your preferred pattern (I used stockinette), decrease 2 sts near the inside edge of the thumb every row until you reach a preferred number of stitches (around 14 sts). Work in round until you reach tip of the finger, k2tog across, pull yarn though loops.
Weave in ends securely.
Second glove:
Instructions are the same except for thumb gusset placement. Instead of placing thumb gusset at the beginning of the round, place it at the very end of the round. Or just be mindful of which stitches to use for knitting little finger.
Woven stitch pattern:
R1: *sl1 purlwise with yarn in front, k1*
R2: k all sts
R3: *k1, sl1 purlwise with yarn in front*
R4: k all sts