A Distinct Possibility
November 6, 2016
December 20, 2016

A Distinct Possibility

Project info
Distinction by Hanna Maciejewska
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Julie Asselin Anatolia
Tanis Fiber Arts Silver Label Mulberry Silk
1 skein = 550.0 yards (502.9 meters), 115 grams

I am so excited to finally be knitting this beautiful pattern! Since I don’t enjoy wearing stoles very much, I decided to knit this into a shape I really love-- a triangular crescent! Wish me luck!

I I’ll be knitting with two strands held together to bring a soft halo and enhance the sculptural elements of this fabulous motif. blush


.Some notes on the modifications I made-- no I did not keep counts, and I will not provide charts, but it was not too difficult to work out when I had my handy dandy graph paper in front of me! wink

To work this shape:
• I started from the long triangle tip working the cable-lace motif.
• I worked side to side increasing 26 sts every 3 chart repeats on the neck edge.
• When I got to my center point, I worked a series of short rows to help curve the shape around.
• I started working the ribbing just as the neckline reached the center point of the shawl. (working diagonally up the motifs just as in the original pattern)

• Past the center point I began increasing 13 sts for each chart repeat.
• Once my ribbing section got as long as I wanted it to be (just about even with the center of the neck curve) I began another series of short rows to help shape the outside curve of the ribbing section, and to lengthen the other leg of the shawl

• I worked in this way until I was happy with the shaping-- by folding the shawl in half to see how much more needed to be knit, and to see where the next short row should turn. I was aiming for almost symmetrical. (I would have continued for a little bit more but ran out of yarn.)

I’m sorry this is not ore specific, Lol! hearts

viewed 120 times
November 6, 2016
December 20, 2016
About this pattern
26 projects, in 143 queues
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About this yarn
by Tanis Fiber Arts
Light Fingering
100% Silk
550 yards / 115 grams

592 projects

stashed 692 times

PetiteTannante's star rating
About this yarn
by Julie Asselin
60% Mohair, 40% Silk
320 yards / 25 grams

803 projects

stashed 522 times

PetiteTannante's star rating
  • Originally queued: March 10, 2015
  • Project created: November 7, 2016
  • Updated: December 27, 2016
  • Progress updates: 3 updates