Modified Jewel Hat
December 28, 2010
January 10, 2011

Modified Jewel Hat

Project info
Jewel Baby Hat by Caroline Hegwer
HatBeanie, Toque
3-6 months
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
Dream in Color Starry
32 yards in stash
0.28 skeins = 126.0 yards (115.2 meters), 31 grams
Knitting Knook in Fox Point, Wisconsin
December 8, 2009

Upsized the hat for 16-18” circumference. Also, changed the crown shaping and added earflaps and a pom pom to match my Tympany hat.

Do 12 mitered squares.
Pick up 120 sts.
Knit until hat measures 5” from bottom. (If I was doing this again, will knit until 6”)
K2tog around (60 sts)
knit even 2 rows
K2tog around (30 sts)
knit even 1 row
K2tog around (15 sts)
Break yarn and thread through live stitches. Pull tight and secure to inside of hat.

Pick up 20 stitches on one side of hat.
Knit in garter stitch for 1 inch
Row 1: K1, K2tog, K to end of row
Row 2: K1, K2tog, K to end of row
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until only 6 sts left, bind off.
Skip 3 mitered squares and pick up another 20 stitches, repeat as same for first earflap.

Added a 1.5” pom pom. Cut 3 lengths of 15” yarn, folded in half and secured to earflap and then braided with a 1” tassle on bottom. Repeated for other earflap.

viewed 39 times | helped 1 person
December 28, 2010
January 10, 2011
About this pattern
60 projects, in 60 queues
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About this yarn
by Dream in Color
98% Merino, 2% Metallic
450 yards / 113 grams

6111 projects

stashed 6218 times

Pfarfigknittin's star rating
  • Originally queued: September 12, 2010
  • Project created: December 28, 2010
  • Updated: January 11, 2011
  • Progress updates: 2 updates